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Sunday, September 30, 2012

What to do if you are threatened with a weapon?

Remember that your life - in your hands, so be ready at any time to protect it, along with the honor and dignity. Not to gratify yourself with the thought that the strange and terrible accident only exist in the program "Emergency" and happen to anyone, but not with you. The best protection - psychological readiness. Try to predict their behavior in a situation where you are threatened with a weapon.

 Psychologists are three types of human response to a stressful situation: Panic. Not the best option, this type of response refers to an animal instinct, say "thank you" to our distant prehistoric ancestors for such a valuable legacy. Panic disorder is accompanied by an overwhelming desire to escape, to escape at any cost ... This reaction probably counterproductive and only hurt you, but in some cases it is possible and necessary to listen to their ancient instinct. But still, try in any situation not lose composure and soberly assess the situation. Stupor. This is the kind of panic. A person in this state, like a rabbit before a snake, he does not run and does not move, freezes in place, thoughts in my head no.  

This is probably the worst option. Mobilization. Most productive response to stress: a person feels a surge of forces (adrenalin in the blood), ready to act, and, above all, in his mind there is a clear plan of action. We hope that you will - of the group. So, with the possible reactions are more or less in place. But one thing - how to do, and quite another - what to do. Universal recommendations, unfortunately, does not exist, and each situation is unique as the people involved in it. The best way to turn the tide in his favor - is, of course, to prevent it. And in order to prevent, submit, and discuss hypothetical reasons for the attack on you.  
Think about what you can cause the offender to attack. Hard, is not it? Therefore turn to the theory. There is a science - victimology. A very useful thing, specialists victimology working on identifying the causes attacks of a psychological portrait of the victim and do many useful things. Victimology argue that all the victims has the following features - passivity, helplessness, uncertainty and timidity. And they have developed a theory that says, between the offender and the victim has some connection - unconsciously predator always "feels" the victim, as well as the victim of a predator. They like light and shadow are complementary. If you have learned in these terms his - be careful (but not paranoid!). And if you ever suddenly get into a similar situation, I have accomplished a willpower and take control of the senses in their hands - the fear you no help. Now sketch the whole situation, we assume that it is happening here and now. So, you're in a dark alley, one (one), it was late, no one nearby. Better, of course, that this was a dark alley in a residential area, rather than in the park, in the industrial area and the stadium. But not by much ... 
The first thing you do - create as much noise. Of course, after the fact, as was suspected that something was wrong, otherwise you can be a "disservice." The worst case occurred: quietly slip failed, the noise startled Khmyrov suspicious, and right before your eyes lurks something resembling a gun. Scroll all assimilated theory, remember that a panic - the worst way to resolve the situation, because we take ourselves in hand and a sober assessment of the situation: looking for the alleged reason for the attack (whether the offender could see jewelry, money, expensive phone, perhaps the reason for the attack is that you who something strongly to spite: and before you can simply inadequate person - drunk, on drugs). In any case, have to wonder for long - the reason will be clear once the assailant will say the speech (as measured by American movies, they like it.) If the cause of the attack - gain, give everything without thinking and arguments, your life is more expensive things, even the most expensive. Of loyalty, and the demands of the criminal, if he wants to talk - listen, nod. Not pose as Schwarzenegger - a number likely will not pass. Remember that using guns, the criminal is risking - the acts may be regarded as an attempted murder. As a rule, in the hands of a criminal is not a firearm, and the gas or air gun (if not a toy), but even if that weapon and kill, it may well cause serious damage to your health (speech about gas and air pistol, and not about the toy). If you are well versed in weapons and understand - what you are threatened, not the present, do not flatter yourself. Think ten times before happily comment on this fact. Believe me, the offender is unlikely to appreciate your shrewdness. Do not try to sound smarter than criminal - people going to such crimes, often insecure, and this act - a kind of compensation - the rise of themselves through the humiliation of others. All attacks against his own person, such people experience painful, ironic your comments will be enough to get a fresh injury. It also happens that the weapons are. Keep calm, do not provoke the aggression, arrogant and boorish behavior may cause the offender to lose control of himself, and to bring to bear arms (often the offender is not willing to use the weapon for its intended purpose.) In this case, the more it is not necessary to include "fists and feet." Remember it is much more effective signs. To do this: Avoid direct look into his eyes. This causes aggression. Pay attention not to the clothes (it can be removed), and the anatomical characteristics: shape of the face, nose, eyes, lips, the shape of the hands, the increase in short everything that can not be changed and hide. May be able to even see any distinguishing marks (broken nose, scars). If it's dark, remember the voice and speech features (focus, defects of speech, diction). If the offender is not the only one, remember the signs of his accomplices too. If a criminal hiding from the crime scene, note which way he ran. All of these actions will be useful in the search for and arrest the criminal. If the weapon is suddenly shot. Immediately throw to the ground, his hands protecting the head, the face is down. Clothes, her purity - this is the last thing worth thinking. If the offender continues to shoot - try to hide and escape. Hide better for concrete, brick, metal structures. It is desirable that in this case they did not have holes and gaps. Hide behind the fence of thin metal inappropriate. The worst cover, which can be selected - the car: it is made of thin metal, it has a fuel tank, and is very explosive. Remember that can injure and ricocheted bullet. If you are hurt, stay calm. Appreciate the magnitude of injuries, but do not panic. Well, if you know the techniques of first aid. The main thing - to try to stop the bleeding. This can be done using any available tools (stocking, long flap of clothing, rubber tourniquet). If, in the hands of a criminal edged weapons - there can not hope that it is false. Your main objective is to prevent the criminal approach. If he tries to attack, jump off as far as possible. Do not let it be behind you, grab you. If you have long hair - cover them under a jacket. So the offender will be harder to grasp them and the wound on his hand. So home is your goal, if you were the victim of an attack, distraction and early departure to a safer place as a whole and healthy way. And remember, if you did not immediately shot or stabbed to death - hence, you are something to be criminal. And if so - then it is quite possible to reach an agreement

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