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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dr. Mercola: Vitamin D not flu shots - What to take if you get the flu ...

Vitamin D not flu shots--- By Dr. Mercola

Within this video is a safe natural and simple solution for anyone who gets the flu or swine flu.
Please watch the video. Here is the precise formula discussed in the video...
Take 2000 iu of oral vitamin D per kg of body weight (or about 1000 iu per lb of body weight) This is taken as one large dose every day for 3 days. This should abort the illness
For those of you who think this is too much vitamin D....
please see this link for info on how much you can take/handle

Why the Flu Vaccine Doesn't Work

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is looking at whether or not the flu vaccine is effective. Preliminary results indicate you'll get just as sick (with colds, flu, flu-like illnesses) if you got the vaccine than if you didn't. Why doesn't the vaccine work? 
In order to understand the answer, you'll need to understand some specifics about the flu vaccine and a bit about how immunity works.  
Flu Vaccine Facts
There is no single virus that causes the flu; there is no one flu vaccine that protects against all of them. A flu vaccine is designed to confer immunity against the strains of flu that are expected to be most common and most serious. The vaccine is a sort of one-size-fits-all solution, even though there are more types of flu than covered by the vaccine and the flu types vary according to region. It takes time to produce vaccines, so a new vaccine can't be instantly produced when a new type of flu starts to cause problems.

The Vaccine and Immunity
The flu vaccine gives your body parts of inactivated flu viruses. These virus parts correspond to parts of proteins floating around in your body. When the virus part contacts a chemical 'match', it stimulates the body to produce the cells and antibodies that can remove this particular intruder. Antibodies are proteins that float in body fluids and can bind to specific chemical markers. When an antibody binds to a substance, it essentially marks it for destruction by other cells. However, an antibody for one type of flu won't necessarily bind to a virus part from another type of flu. You don't get protection against other viruses. A flu vaccine can only stimulate your immune system to protect you against the viruses in the vaccine, with some lesser protection against very similar ones.
Incomplete Protection Against Intended Targets
You may not even get protection against the intended virus. Why? First, because viruses change over time. The piece that was in the vaccine may not 'look' the same (chemically) as the real thing (months later, after all!). Second, the vaccine may not have given you enough stimulation to fight off the disease.
Let's review what's happened so far: the inactivated virus piece has found a chemical match in your body. This causes an immune response, so your body has started to gear up its production of antibodies and similar markers on cells that can mark the virus for destruction or kill it outright. It's like calling up an army for a battle. Will your body win the fight when the real virus comes to call? Yes, if you have enough defenses built up. However, you will still get the flu if:

  • your body isn't fast enough producing a response
    • get the vaccine and get exposed to the flu too soon (less than 2 weeks)
    • too much time between vaccination and exposure (loses its effectiveness over time)
  • you don't produce enough of a response
    • overwhelmed by exposure to a high level of the virus
    • your body couldn't recognize the initial virus piece (determined by genetics)
    • your body didn't make enough antibodies/cells (common in older people or people with suppressed immune systems)
  • the virus as changed beyond your body's ability to recognize it
  • the part of the virus that was in the vaccine can't be detected by the body in the intact virus
Waste of Time?
Yes and no... the flu vaccine will be more effective some years than others. The CDC predicted that the vaccine developed for the winter of 2003/2004 wasn't going to be effective against most cases of the flu because the strains covered by the vaccine weren't the same as the strains that were common. Highly targeted vaccines work, but only against their targets! There's no point in accepting the risks of a vaccine for a disease you can't get. When the flu vaccine is on-target, it's more effective. Even then, the vaccine isn't perfect because it uses inactivated virus. Is that bad? No. A live vaccine is more effective, but much more risky.
Bottom line: The flu vaccine varies in effectiveness from year-to-year. Even in a best-case scenario, it won't always protect against the flu. The CDC study didn't say that the vaccine didn't work; it says the vaccine didn't protect people from getting sick. Even with imperfect effectiveness, the vaccine is indicated for certain people. In my opinion, however, the vaccine isn't for everyone and certainly shouldn't be required for otherwise healthy people.

How To Raise Your Vibration

Liver Cleanse Releases Anger From Past And Helps With DNA Recoding And Activation

Anger is a very low vibrational feeling. Anger feels terrible when it is activated within our being and because of this, we oftentimes resist fully feeling our anger which causes us to store it in our energy fields and within the tissues and organs of our body. When anger arises, if we would give it a few minutes to be fully felt, without overreacting and unleashing it on another being ~ we would release it, but anger is a very scary, overwhelming energy that many of us unconsciously resist as a protective mechanism. All addictions whether it be through prescription medicine, alcohol, illegal drugs, food, sexual addiction etc.....leads back to anger and the need to suppress and numb out our feelings because we don't want to.... and sometimes aren't able to deal with them.

LIVER: Seat of anger and primitive emotions
LIVER PROBLEMS: Chronic complaining, justifying fault-finding, to deceive yourself, feeling bad

On a PHYSICAL LEVEL, if you are experiencing digestive problems, allergies, circulation problems, red dry eyes or puffy eyes, retention of water or edema, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, shoulder pain,  pain across the entire back below the shoulder blades, lack of energy and an overall feeling of not feeling well a liver cleanse would be helpful.

On a FEELING/EMOTIONAL LEVEL if you frequently experience:
Irritation, impatience, being overly critical, rage, hate, angry outburst, over reactivity, feelings of not feeling heard, not feeling loved, not being recognized, judgment, racism, the need to control, inability to express your feelings in a grounded/balanced way, lack of joy, denial and inability to be honest with yourself and others, inability to be authentic or any addiction of any kind....a Liver cleanse would be helpful.

As we raise our vibrations, activating our "junk" DNA ~ which is really our Spiritual DNA ~ we will need to cleanse the liver. In fact, cleansing the liver will rapidly accelerate our spiritual growth because we expel the calcified STONES of anger we create in our liver whenever we can't process through our anger. Our body protects us when we are angry and not able to release the anger ~ so it takes the energy of anger and creates a stone. These stones build up in the liver and block the flow of qi, chi or life force energy within our being. A lack of life force energy means a lower vibration, less LIGHT and an unhealthy body. Releasing stones, stored emotions and feelings helps us to activate more of our DNA strands, enhance our LIGHT, create more Joy for ourselves and have a more Balanced and Grounded Life. In addition, when we activate the four additional codons within our being the body will NOT be able to store anger anymore. Stored anger from the past in the form of stones must be released or your liver and gallbladder will act up prompting you to cleanse so you can raise your vibration to the appropriate frequency~ reaching you highest soul's potential.

There are many Liver cleanses on the market. Find one that resonates with you. I will be giving you instructions from Dr. Hulda Clark from her book "THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES". This is the most popular and efficient cleanse available. You can do your own research on the internet as this cleanse is recommended by many and you will also find different variations. However the one I am sharing is directly from her book and the one I personally have used 16 times. IT WORKS and you feel great afterwards, although I will say......the cleanse process does take dedication and commitment. Please set time away for yourself and be super gentle with yourself as you go through the process as old stored emotions and feelings will rise up to be released as you go through this. The final part of this cleanse AFTER the parasite and kidney cleanse takes only 24 hours.

Before you do the 24 hour LIVER/COLON must first prepare your body. This is very important and it can not be skipped. You must first do a PARASITE CLEANSE. Do a 10 day on and 5 days off then 10 days on 5 days off cycle of the pills and tincture to assure you have killed the parasites and the eggs they have laid until ALL the pills are gone. Be kind to yourself as you go through this because the parasites are entities (states of consciousness) within your body and as they die off they will send out thoughts of "I AM DYING" try to get you to stop the cleanse. Getting rid of parasites will help you physically, emotionally and mentally as the parasites create negative thoughts within our being and they attract parasitic energies to our energy fields that like to make a home in our mental and emotional bodies. Once the internal parasites are gone....the emotional parasites leave too.

SECOND PART: Kidney cleanse. Take pills as directed. The kidneys need to be in good working condition to expel all the toxins that will be released in the body during the cleansing process. If you are in liver pain or in a hurry to do the liver cleanse you can skip this part but it is not recommended.



4 T EPSOM SALTS (You can find these in the band aid area of the store...used for aches and sprains)

1/2 C EXTRA LIGHT OLIVE OIL( The lighter in color the easier it will be for you to drink but any olive oil is fine)

FRESH GRAPEFRUIT (1-2 pink grapefruit makes it taste better) You need about 2/3 C- 3/4 juice)

4-8 ORNITHINE PILLS (an inexpensive supplement you can find in a health food store) These will help you sleep.



Choose a day like Saturday to do the cleanse so you can rest on Sunday as your energy is restored. If you take prescription medicine, take it in the morning the day of the cleanse, so it won't interfere with the cleanse. Avoid Vitamins on the day of the cleanse.

Eat a NON FAT DIET for breakfast and Lunch. NON FAT. Veggies, fruit, toast with jelly, plain rice, crackers, nonfat yogurt, nonfat cereals with nonfat milk, popsicles etc.....This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones. Drink plenty of non fat fluids, especially water, as you will not be able to drink anything after 2:00PM.

2:00 PM: Do not eat or drink after two o'clock.
Go ahead and mix your cleanse cocktail for the evening and place it in the fridge to chill.

Cocktail Recipe: Mix 4T Epsom salts with 3 Cups of water. Stir to dissolve crystals. This will make 4 servings 3/4 Cups for each session throughout the night and the following morning. You will drink 2 ~ 3/4 portions tonight and 2 ~ 3/4 portions throughout the morning.

6:00 PM: Drink your first serving of the cleanse cocktail ~ Stir and pour 3/4 cup into a glass and drink. You can drink a few mouthfuls of plain water to cleanse your mouth afterwards, if necessary. Stay near a bathroom. (This will cleanse your colon)

8:00 PM: Drink your second serving of the cleanse cocktail ~ Stir and pour 3/4 cup into a glass and drink. You can drink a few mouthfuls of plain water to cleanse your mouth afterwards, if necessary. (This will cleanse your colon)

9:45 PM: Create your olive oil grapefruit cocktail to be drunk at exactly 10:00PM. Mix 1/2 Cup Olive oil and the juice of a fresh squeezed pink grapefruit into a container with a lid. Shake vigorously. You can also pour this mixture into a blender to blend well. Visit the bathroom a few times before you drink the olive oil mixture. Once you drink the olive oil mixture you need to stay lying down in bed ~ make sure all your nightly obligations have been taken care of before you drink this mixture. Prepare your bed, books, t.v etc for immediate arrival.

10:00PM: Lay out your Ornithine pills (4 or 8 if you have insomnia) and take them with the olive oil /grapefruit mixture. This mixture must be drunk within a 5 minute period.

LIE DOWN IMMEDIATELY FLAT ON YOUR BACK. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Watch TV or read a book while laying flat on your back with head high on a pillow ~ Goodnight! You can turn over on your side or stomach after 20 minutes on your back. Only get up to go the bathroom...if you have too. Lie still.

You will experience absolutely no pain because the epsom salts, before hand, have opened all the bile ducts and have cleaned out your colon. Do not drink any water throughout the night.

THE NEXT MORNING: After 6:00 am (it could be anytime in the morning after 6:00am) immediately drink your 3rd 3/4 C serving of the epsom salt cocktail. You may go back to bed or do whatever you would like. Stay near a bathroom. You are getting ready to pass stones.....this is where you will see your results. You will experience absolutely no pain aside from very mild dehydration and your normal discomfort from the epsom salt cleanse.

2 HOURS LATER from the time you drank your 3rd epsom salt cocktail ~ drink your last 3/4 Cup serving. This is the final part of the cleanse where you will pass the most of the stones.

2 HOURS Later you may return to normal eating although I would suggest you eat something light. Return to your normal activities and eating regime....your cleanse is kind to yourself while your energy returns. Within 2 more hours your energy should resume and you will begin to feel good again. You may want to drink coconut water, gatorade or vitamin water to help restore your electrolytes. Congratulations.

While you do this cleanse you may experience anger. Just allow it. Keep to yourself....stay in your bedroom while you are going through this cleanse.  I like to rent movies to take my mind off of what I am going through. Let everyone in your household know what you are doing so they don't take anything personally and have extra patience and respect for you. This is a highly effective and VERY SAFE cleanse. It is a little intense once you start drinking the epsom salts but your discomfort last only for 4 hours in the evening and 4 hours in the morning.  I would much rather have 8 hours of discomfort than a whole month of discomfort taking herbal pills that certainly will work....but I don't think anything works as good as this cleanse.

You can alter times. If you would rather go to bed at 9:00PM below would be the new times:
1:00, 5:00, 7:00, 8:45, 9:00 drink olive oil mixture and bedtime.
Upon rising you could start the morning cleanse at 5:00am or any time you wake up in the morning with 2 hours in between your epsom salt cocktail.

* I am not a medical physician. Choosing to do this cleanse is from your own free will. Please follow your own intuition and contact a medical professional ~ before you start this cleanse ~ if you are on strong prescriptions or have a severe medical condition. * Find a Doctor who is open to alternative medicine. Namaste ~ Sabrina

Why Organic Food May Not Be Healthier For You

A shopper surveys the produce at Pacifica Farmers Market in Pacifica, Calif., in 2011.

Yes, organics is a $29 billion industry and still growing. Something is pulling us toward those organic veggies that are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
But if you're thinking that organic produce will help you stay healthier, a new finding may come as a surprise. A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine finds scant evidence of health benefits from organic foods.
"There's a definite lack of evidence," says researcher Crystal Smith-Spangler at Stanford University School of Medicine, especially when it comes to studies of people.
She and her colleagues collected 200 peer-reviewed studies that examined differences between organic and conventional food, or the people who eat it.
A few of these studies followed people who were eating either organic or conventional food and looked for evidence that the choice made a difference in their health.
One study, for instance, looked at whether eating organic food while pregnant would influence the likelihood of eczema and other allergic conditions among children, and another looked at whether eating organic meat would influence the risk of a Campylobacter infection, a bacterial food-borne illness. When the researchers looked at the body of evidence, they found no clear benefits. But they say more research is needed.
It's important to note, though, that such studies have a really hard time uncovering subtle effects of our environment, or what we eat, on our health. Too many other powerful influences get in the way. Also, these studies only followed people for a very short time — about two years or less. That's hardly enough time to document any particular health benefit.
Most of the studies included in this collection looked at the food itself — the nutrients that it contained as well as levels of pesticide residues or harmful bacteria.
As you might expect, there was less pesticide contamination on organic produce. But does that matter? The authors of the new study say probably not. They found that the vast majority of conventionally grown food did not exceed allowable limits of pesticide residue set by federal regulations.
Some previous studies have looked at specific organic foods and found that they contain higher levels of important nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. We've reported on one particularly ambitious experiment, which is supposed to go on for a hundred years, comparing plots of organic and conventional tomatoes. After 10 years, the researchers found that tomatoes raised in the organic plots contained significantly higher levels of certain antioxidant compounds.
But this is one study of one vegetable in one field. And when the Stanford researchers looked at their broad array of studies, which included lots of different crops in different situations, they found no such broad pattern.
Here's the basic reason: When it comes to their nutritional quality, vegetables vary enormously, and that's true whether they are organic or conventional. One carrot in the grocery store, for instance, may have two or three times more beta carotene (which gives us vitamin A) than its neighbor. That's due to all kinds of things: differences in the genetic makeup of different varieties, the ripeness of the produce when it was picked, even the weather.
So there really are vegetables that are more nutritious than others, but the dividing line between them isn't whether or not they are organic. "You can't use organic as your sole criteria for judging nutritional quality," says Smith-Spangler.
Of course, people may have other reasons for buying organic food. It's a different style of agriculture. Organic farmers often control pests by growing a greater variety of crops. They increase the fertility of their fields through nitrogen-fixing plants, or by adding compost instead of applying synthetic fertilizer.
That can bring environmental benefits, such as more diverse insect life in the field or less fertilizer runoff into neighboring streams. But such methods also cost money. That's part of what you are buying when you buy organic.
So if you really want to find the most nutritious vegetables, and the organic label won't take you there, what will?
At the moment, unfortunately, there isn't a good guide. But a lot of scientists are working on it.
They're measuring nutrient levels in all kinds of crops, and discovering some surprising things, as The Salt reported last week — such as supernutritious microgreens. They're trying to breed new varieties of crops that yield not a bigger harvest but a more nutrient-rich harvest.
The problem is, farmers still get paid by the pound, not by the vitamin. And consumers buy their food the same way. What this really requires is a whole new food system that can track those extra-nutritious crops from farmer's field to consumer's shopping basket.
Maybe, down the road, you will actually see signs in the supermarket that advertise, for instance, iron-rich beans. Maybe they'd be organic, or maybe not.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Arnold Chiari Malformation Symptom Alleviation Methods

Some POSSIBLE non-surgical/ drug free methods to alleviate ACM symptoms- also useful for post-op patients and as life-style guidelines.  Bernie Meyer, Editor ( Updated 7-10-04
Shortest list- Reduce/eliminate neck stress in daily activities to include sleeping.
Short list
1. Wear highly cushioned, support shoes to reduce neck, cerebellum pounding. Commercial cross-trainer sneakers are recommended - New Balance, Nike, Reebok etc.- test before buying.
2. Avoid neck-stressing activities (football, soccer, basketball, wave pools, diving, tennis, roller coasters, other amusement park rides of high G forces, lifting in excess of 15 lb, backpacking, falling asleep in chairs, extended reading with head bent etc.)
3. Get plenty of rest and sleep (eight hr minimum). Pillows and sleep position are very important. Soft, small pillows with fiberfill are very good for this i.e. little or no "push" back. (see expanded list below for other comments about pillows). Most Chiarians are side-sensitive. Use a large pillow(s) etc. to prevent rollover onto affected side. Elevate your bed at the head 4-6 inches by inserting old telephone books, bricks, boards or blocks under the front frame legs.  Have a strong relative or friend assist you.  If possible, do the same when staying at a hotel/motel or at the home of relatives."  Stop eating and drinking three to four hours before bedtime to reduce the need to get up at night.
4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, aspirin and/or high salt diet if tinnitus is a major symptom or any of these dietary items increase other symptoms.
5. Stay in excellent physical condition via walking, exercise bikes and other non-neck stressing activities - STAY LEAN
6. Sit in soft recliners with high backs and foot rests.
7. Support reading material with elbows on your knees/thighs or chair arms. Read "straight" ahead. Use book holders or music stands. Look at computer monitors straight ahead.
8. Drive if you have to but use wide vision mirrors and get seats with high backs. -Take your time and limit your driving to short distances at slow speed preferably during the day. Some Chiarians find orthopedic collars help reduce neck stress when riding in a car etc. Some do not.
9. Relax and avoid stress and noise. Don't tighten the neck muscles. Stay "cool".
10. Put soft cold compresses on the neck/ brain joint area or on the top of your head for about an hour while lying down (these are soft compresses). Some Chiarians prefer warm compresses.
11. Straining during bowel movements should be avoided. Eat plenty of roughage and eat at regular times. Drinking herbal tea containing senna may help give pain-free relief from constipation.
12. Heavy jewelry, scarves, ties, tight collars, bras, rings, bracelets and watches might feel uncomfortable. Adopt a casual life style and don't wear them.
13. Try to avoid waiting in lines where stutter stepping is involved. Uneven surfaces or checkered designs in floors maybe difficult to walk on. Focusing on an object in front of your or closing one eye may help when dizziness hits.
14. Do crossword puzzles to assist short- term memory retention. Ditto for playing cards.
15. Take calcium supplements to assist in bone enhancement especially after surgery. Be very cautious using vitamins and supplements- most have not been thoroughly tested for primary and side effects. As always, check with your doctor first.
16. TENS machines may help ACM/SM patients, especially those with spasticity (cervical, thoracic, lumbar muscles) and spinal pain. TENS units also can help with headaches. You can buy one for use at home. As always, check with your doctor first.
17. Avoid cervical traction.
18. Lumbar punctures, spinal taps or epidurals can be dangerous for Chiarians. Always ask your doctor and insist they review the literature on these procedures with respect to increasing herniation.
19. Brushing teeth or gargling can result in sneezing. Minimize head motion during brushing and not bending the neck when gargling.
20. Avoid chiropractor adjustment. Most chiropractors have no experience in treating ACM's. One member's herniation significantly increased after cervical adjustment. "That is because I herniated from 3-4 mm to 15-20 mm in 8 months with this treatment (documented on MRIs)".
21. Review daily movements to include cooking and cleaning. Eliminate as much neck stress as possible. See the items on the expanded list below for some helpful hints.
22. Use the special tray that most beauty shops have for washing hair for people who cannot lean back on blunt sink rims. Chiarians should never lean back on the edges of sinks.
23. Methods to reduce neck stress during house cleaning/cooking are listed at 
Expanded list (use Find on the Edit Menu to quickly go to key words)
1. Increase foot/ankle support by wearing Nike, Reebok or New Balance Air-crosstrainers or similar highly cushioned/ supported shoes (i.e. cushion the cerebellum). Running or walking shoes typically do not have the proper support. The crosstrainers are sold in most sneaker stores. Since each brand is a little different, it is recommended that you test the different models before purchasing. All come in different colors to include black. New Balance crosstrainers get my personal nod as Nike has changed their style resulting is less support and cushioning. (from Sarah- Use gel pads as inserts in your shoes , ...... put em in before you choose the shoes , 'cause they take up more room . They add more shock absorption. Berkinstock makes a similar insert pad that's good too. These help when fashion dictates something other than athletic shoes.
2. Avoid neck "jerking"/stressing activities such as football, basketball, tennis, weight/furniture lifting, wave pools, roller coasters, backpacking, extended reading or sleeping with the head bent down or up, etc.
Notes from Jim Foutty:
When you think of Chiari malformations, picture in your mind an orange with a cord through its middle sitting on top of a soda bottle. If you get hold of the cord and pull downward, this is in a simple way, what is happening to our brain. It is trying to make its way down through a very small opening so what we must do is to stop and reason carefully what we do and the affect it will have. Lifting heavy objects, squatting down, bending a lot, working overhead and using our upper body are some of the things that will cause a downward pull or a swelling of muscles in the neck and therefore cause increase in symptoms. Be careful of anything that puts you in jeopardy of falling and creating trauma of any type.
3. Get plenty of rest and sleep- use a small soft pillow, fiber better than foam, and extra side pillows/rolled towels to prevent rolling to a neck-pinch position,- sleep with your head higher than your feet,- a head down position can cause significant pressure on the neck. Dr. Milhorat recommends sleeping on a bed that is elevated to some degree at the head board. Some Chiarians use a water-base pillow. ( Other types, a sobakowa pillow, a feather pillow. When staying at a motel/hotel/guest quarters, roll up two or three large towels and insert them between the mattress and the box springs near the head board. Sneakers will also work. Don't forget to remove the "risers" before you leave.
Eight plus hours of sleep are recommended by most Chiarians. If possible get a nap during the day. It helps to refresh and get through the rest of it. Stop eating and drinking three to four hours before bedtime to reduce the need to get up during the night.
Notes from Sue Marsigli:
Not finding a pillow that is comfortable enough post operatively is an issue many of us face. Before anyone has surgery the issue is much easier to face as you are only dealing with finding the position in which you can put your head and neck that will not increase any of the symptoms.
After surgery you are still dealing with this issue, but in addition, you are dealing with scar tissue, sore incision sites, bony pain or pain from the hardware and never mind if you have to wear some type of brace to sleep in.
Sleep is usually interrupted for many of us and yet this is probably the only time that we are able to unload our spine for any length of time and this is needed to aid in the healing process. I wish there were a magic answer of a pillow or bed that would work for everyone. What is important is to try various amounts of different things and constantly reevaluate what you are doing. Is my head and neck in a neutral position-how long does it stay there before I have to move, what position causes increase in pain, how long at a stretch am I really sleeping? The list of questions goes on and on.
Get your spouse or even a child to look at you when you are sleeping and the next day (don't need to wake you up after you finally got to sleep) let you know what position you were in. You may need to brace yourself with some pillows or towel rolls. I do know that with scar tissue a hard surface is probably not going to be your best bet but then also you don't want to go with something too soft. I think that when you get some type of material that has some play with it you have a better chance in succeeding to achieve the correct amount of support.
I also think that we tend to forget about using some terry cloth towels rolled to the correct height to wear around your neck to sleep with. The material is soft enough to not irritated the scar tissue and yet strong enough to give the bony alignment that you need.
Sleep patterns take 6 weeks to change so don't expect to change things overnight. If you are able to comfortably sleep for two hours then I bet you are on the right track and that with time your pattern will increase. You will constantly need to change things as you heal and some things get stronger-muscles and scar tissue so be ready to make adaptations.
I bought a pillow from Brookstones and have found that is the only pillow that I can use to sleep with. It is called Tempur-pedic and it is a little bit pricey standard size $99 ($130 queen size), but it is amazing and I highly recommend. I know that when I bought it I thought here goes another one that will not work. The salesman told me to keep the plastic on it and if it did not work to return it for a full refund. They couldn't buy it back from me now. It works on the theory of the heat of your own body allows it to conform to your head and neck. I think that this is great, especially if you have had surgery. When you have had surgery there is scar tissue that has formed and when you use an orthopedic pillow that is supposed to put you in so called normal alignment, the scar tissue is stretched and therefore it is uncomfortable. This pillow molds to you and gives you support instead. Hope this helps. I know that my breathing and swallowing and hear difficulties are better with this.
Instructions for a Postoperative Pillow (from Patrick's Mom)
· Purchase an inexpensive down pillow (king-size is best). · Remove any protective zip-on liners that may have come with it. · Equally "divide" pillow in half by pushing all the down out to the sides. · Pin the center of the flat pillow ticking with straight pins from the edge to about half-way through to prevent the down from moving back into the center · Either by hand, or by machine, baste-stitch in the center from the edge of the pillow up almost to the middle, across 3/4" and back down the other side returning to the edge of the pillow. · Return pillow to any liner and give it to your favorite Chiari patient!
This pillow keeps direct pressure away from the surgical incision when the patient is lying on his/her back, yet allows them to turn from side to side without needing to reposition the pillow. A king-size pillow works best because it provides cushioning across the entire length of a hospital bed and allows extra room for turning from side-to-side. (A king-size pillow is difficult to push through the arm of your sewing machine, but it is possible!) But if you take this pillow with you to the hospital, be sure to put a vinyl liner around it to protect it from post-surgery nausea!
4. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and aspirin. Salt typically increases blood pressure which is not good for a lot of reasons to include an increase in ear ringing and possible influence on ACM's Note: abstinence from caffeine and alcohol is also recommended for individuals suffering from Meniere's disease) (note: let your symptoms be your guide. If a glass of wine or beer does not affect your symptoms and you are not on any medication, enjoy. Your doctor/pharmacist also should be your first authority on diet).
Notes from Suzanne Chisum:
Dr. Milhorat told me something interesting.... he called it Meniere's Syndrome... it is when a person with Chiari has a build up of fluid pushing on the semi-circular canals in the inner ear and it produces Meniere's like symptoms.
He told me that he operated on 70 people with these symptoms, having them go through a thorough exam by an ENT and then he has them go through it again after the operation and has seen great improvement
5.Stay in excellent physical shape with walking, exercise bikes and other non-neck stress activities- stay lean,
6. Sit in soft recliners with high backs and foot rests,
7. Drive if you have to but use wide vision mirrors and get seats with high backs. -Take your time and limit your driving to short distances at slow speed preferably during the day.
From Sarah - Wearing a soft cervical collar when in a car is found to be helpful by many Chiarians before and after surgery .
I also use a cloth sleeve filled with the plant potting granules that hold water , just sew it to fit my neck , soak in water a few hours , and it holds the water turning into a firm gel .....this then evaporates in the heat over several hours ,....makes a huge difference when its 90 or 100 degrees outside :) I like using old silk ties from the thrift shop for this ....great fabrics and colors etc. for pennies ! and non toxic :)
8. Relax and avoid stress and noise. Don't tighten the neck muscles, stay "cool".
9. Put soft cold compresses on the neck/ brain joint area or on the top of your head for about an hour while lying down-these are soft compresses. As per Darlene, Arab Chiarians use cold compresses/ cloths wrapped around their heads to alleviate some of their symptoms. Darlene also notes that a lot of Arabs have mild ACMs. Hot showers help some Chiarians with bad headaches. Some Chiarians use hot/warm moist sandbags on the back of their necks.
Note from Donna Corman:
Last fall at a craft sale I bought this thing that could be put in the freezer or in the microwave. It works great. And is so simple to make. It's just flannel material sewed in a square and filled with rice. Make them any size you want. The one I have is about 8" x 8" and is filled with three lbs of rice. They just look like those bean bags we use to play with as kids. Be careful the first time you put them in the microwave. Each oven is different. Please start out on the lowest setting first. These things work wonderful and just the light pressure feels good when I must use them on my head. I used the frozen vegetable bags the other night because I needed so many for my legs.
Other ideas for ice packs:
We found ACE manufactures an ice pack that is reusable and soft (conforms to the body). Its order number is 207516. Hope this helps someone. Faith
Also, here is a recipe for an ice pak. gallon zip lock bag 1 cup water 1 cup alcohol
Mix water and alcohol. Put in freezer and freeze, it will be mushy and comfortable. And can be reused and reused. Cheap. Martha P.
10. Straining during bowel movements should be avoided. Eat plenty of roughage and eat at regular times. Drinking herbal tea containing senna may help give pain-free relief from constipation. Notes from Darlene: Straining for difficult bowel movements increases intercranial pressure...and we all know what that can lead to. At the '97 CSN conference, Dr. Tator was quite outspoken about maintaining bowel routines so that ACM and syringo patients do not have to strain during bowel movements. This can cause problems and is a leading cause of complications. Those in a post operative condition have to be really careful as the use of the narcotic pain meds predispose you to the old concrete bowel syndrome.
Use a stool softener, or speak to your doc about it...but don't let it happen to YOU!
From Peg: A healthy vegetarian diet really helps with the constipation. It is much higher in fiber and beans/lentils ferment and breakdown faster then meat. When I start having increased constipation which is often I decrease meat and increase beans with much success.
There is the "gas" problem but if fiber is added gradually and beans/lentils are used as the source of protein daily the body adjusts and the gas problem resolves. This also can often alleviate the need for bowel medications which can interfere with nutrient absorption. For anyone with a history of coronary problems a well balanced vegetarian diet can also be very beneficial. Adequate water intake is also very important, I stress water not soda or coffee. I am a registered dietitian who has treated many people with constipation and have post surgery symptoms from ACM, I know how bad straining for any purpose is to our well being.
Another benefit to the vegetarian diet is for those of us who have difficulty chewing, I fatigue with chewing, beans are much softer then meat.
11. Support reading material with elbows on your knees/thighs or chair arms. Read "straight" ahead. Use book holders or music stands. Look at computer monitors straight ahead.
Notes from Andrea Traugott:
Using a 'puter is probably one of the worst ACM symptom exacerbators there is... sitting and staring and using the keyboard can mess up even the healthiest body let alone ours. Have the screen (or monitor) at eye level and if at all possible get an ergonomic chair for the back. BUT remember to sit in the new chair correctly (butt to the back of the chair, not on the edge... feet flat (no leg crossing) and keep your back as straight as you can in the back of the chair. You can also get an ergonomic keyboard to help the strain on your hands, wrists, arms and cervical area of the neck. The keyboard is slanted/sloped and you'll need to get used to using it.. my hubby bought me one for my birthday and I love it!
Also remember to BLINK!! It lubricates the eyes and prevents dry eye.
Notes from Sarah in Paradise:
I also found 2 other things that help. I use a rocking chair in the mornings while at this desk ......don't have the faintest clue why but the motion of moving helps some ............and I set a timer to go off about every half hour and do 5 mins of stair step or stretching . if I sit to long stationary (as I have a tendency to do when engrossed on the puter ) I get stiff and achy ....makes the rest of the discomfort harder to ignore !!
12. Heavy jewelry, scarfs, ties, tight collars, bras, rings, bracelets and watches might feel uncomfortable. Adopt a casual life style.
13. Try to avoid waiting in lines where stutter stepping is involved. Uneven surfaces or checkered surfaces may be difficult to walk on. Focusing on an object in front of you or closing one eye may help when dizziness hits.
14. Do crossword puzzles to assist short term memory retention. Ditto for playing cards.
15. Take calcium supplements to assist in bone enhancement especially after surgery. As always check with your doctor first.
16 Be very cautious using vitamins and supplements- Most have not been thoroughly tested for primary and side effects-
17. TENS machines maybe useful for ACM/SM patients, especially those with spasticity (cervical, thoracic, lumbar muscles) and spinal (cervical, thoracic, lumbar) pain. TENS units are also useful with headaches. You can buy one and use it at home, but first check with your doctors.
18. Avoid cervical traction! it's good for your cervical vertebras, but a time-bomb for your herniated cerebellar tonsils.
19. Acupuncture might help. But find a Japanese/Chinese expert.
20. Lumbar punctures (aka spinal taps) can be dangerous for ACM patients... always ask your doctor: "what about lumbar punctures and ACQUIRED ACM? Herniation increase?" and expect "yes..., er... but we need spinal fluid to test,..." improperly performed lumbar punctures = ACM trigger. Ask Allison Rutan RN, neuro nurse about this, her email is:
21. Brushing your teeth can cause problems.  During the over-active phase, I switched from a toothbrush to a water pik or other circular motion tooth cleanser. It is the in and out motion of the brush as it strikes the soft tissue in the mouth (plus the act of watching it in the mirror) which is likely stimulating the gag reflex or sneezing.
Try closing your eyes when you brush you teeth, then try to clean the teeth without touching the tongue and roof of the mouth...use a mouthwash type dental cleaner for this.
Also you may want to try the mouth rinses that have a numbing effect...chloraseptic etc...and rinse with that first to numb or decrease your gag reflex a little. There are also prescription oral rinses that have a numbing effect, Tantum oral rinse comes to mind.
I found switching to the water pic and forgetting about vigorous brushing motion was the best for me. When I tried to close my eyes I fell over and that presented a whole other set of problems : )
22. For sleep apnea which is a symptom of some Chiarians, consider using a device called "Silent Night" or another one called "Thorasnore". they both work basically the same way by moving your bottom jaw forward to help keep the airway open when you are sleeping. These devices are contraindicated if you have TMJ.
  This list can be given to anyone, anytime, anywhere. It is a compilation of suggestions made by WACMA members over the past five years.


Exercises for Arnold–Chiari Syndrome

Exercises for Arnold–Chiari Syndrome

Arnold-Chiari malformation, or ACM, may also be referred to as cerebellomedullary malformation syndrome, Arnold-Chiari deformity, Arnold-Chiari syndrome, Chiari malformation or simply Chiari. It is a structural defect that affects the cerebellum, or the area in your brain that controls balance. Certain types of exercise should be avoided, but activities that help balance, headache and neck pain and stiffness are encouraged.

Just as experts use different terms to describe this syndrome, they also differ on the number of types of the malformation that are recognized. According to the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission, there are three types. Comer Children's Hospital of the University of Chicago recognizes four types of malformations. This article will focus on type I which can go unnoticed in childhood until you begin to experience symptoms such as headache, neck pain and balance problems during adolescence or adulthood. Because ACM affects your balance, you may suffer from problems with dizziness, muscle weakness and numbness, headaches, eye problems and challenges with coordination. Individuals with type II have symptoms that can be managed with medication and type III can result in permanent paralysis. Comer's also recognizes type IV, which is characterized by an absence of normal brain development. The type of ACM you have will dictate the exercises that are best for you.
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General Exercise

Before beginning any exercises, check with your health care provider or physical therapist for approval. Activities that prevent neck stress are essential. Walking is a good place to begin, but be sure to wear highly cushioned and supportive shoes to reduce neck and cerebellum pounding while moving. Cycling and aquatic exercises are also useful. According to neurosurgeon Jon Oro, M.D., any exercise that puts stress on your neck should be avoided. He suggests avoiding weightlifting and other exercises that require you to bend your neck down.
Brandt-Daroff Exercises

Since balance can be a challenge in type I ACM, an exercise routine called Brandt-Daroff may be useful to help improve your symptoms. Sit on your bed near the middle with your legs over the side. Lie down on your right side and turn your head to a 45-degree angle so that you are looking up at the ceiling. Hold this position until any dizziness symptoms pass. Sit up and look straight ahead for 30 seconds. Repeat the exercise by lying on your left side and repeating the steps. To avoid falling, ask someone to accompany you while you perform these exercises.
Cervical Exercises

Dr. Murray Grossman suggests that if you suffer from headaches, exercises that you perform when you are in the shower might help. But before you begin any exercises, discuss them with your health care provider who will determine if they are safe for you. Grossman suggests standing in the shower with the water directed at the back of your neck and shoulders. Slowly and gently turn your head as though you were attempting to look behind you. Do not over stretch your muscles or rotate your neck too far. Do not bend your neck down.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Miracle Drink: Carrot, Beetroot and Apple

I have enjoyed this juice on and off for over 10 years now and its one of my favorite brain boosting juices.  It also boasts exceptional health benefits and tastes delicious.    Below is a recent article and recipe that has been circulating on the web lately about the benefits of juicing certain veggies and fruits.

This MIRACLE DRINK has been circulating for a long time. It is worth your while to take note. There is a celebrity Mr. Seto who swears by it. He wants to make it public to draw the attention of people who have cancers. This is a drink that can protect bad cells forming in your body or it will restrain its growth! Mr. Seto had lung cancer. He was recommended to take this drink by a famous Herbalist from China. He has taken this drink diligently and has seen his health is restored.  Thanks to this drink! It does not hurt for you to try.

It is like a Miracle Drink! It is simple.
You need one Beetroot, one carrot and one apple that combine together to make the JUICE !  Make sure they are organic
Wash the above, cut with the skin on into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you drink the juice. You can add some lime or lemon for more refreshing taste.

This Miracle Drink will be effective for the following ailments:
1. Is great for those wanting to assist their bodies against cancer and other diseases.
2. Used by many for liver, kidney, pancreas disease and ulcers.
3. Strengthens the lungs, heart and may help regulate high blood pressure.
4. May strengthen the immune system.
5. Good for the eyesight, eliminate red and tired eyes or dry eyes.
6. Helps to eliminate pain from physical training and muscle aches.
7. Along with other juicing, helps detoxify the body, assists bowel movement, and constipation. Therefore it will make skin healthy and LOOK more radiant. It is a God sent for acne problems.
8. May improves bad breath due to indigestion, throat infection.
9. Lessens menstrual pain.
10. Assists Hay Fever Sufferers from Hay Fever attack.
This is highly nutritious and it easily absorbs! Very effective if you need to loose weight. You will notice your immune system will be improved after 2 week routine. Please make sure to drink immediately from the juicer for best effect and use it in combination with other fruit, greens and vegetable juicing. 
When to drink it:

Drink it first thing in the morning with the empty stomach! After one hour you can eat breakfast.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such shall not be construed as medical advice implied or otherwise. No claims are made with respect to treatment of any physically diseased condition and no attempt is ever made to dissuade individuals from seeking medical treatment for any condition. In addition, this equipment, technology and products have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor are they intended to treat, cure, mitigate, diagnose or prevent any illness or disease.

Monday, October 15, 2012

About Salt, or You are so harmful and so necessary!

> Each pellet - into the case. More than  14,000 uses of salt, and some of them> are used to this day. > * Cooking eggs in salt water leads to the fact that they even cracked  will not flow easily and subsequently purified. > * Check the freshness of the egg by throwing it into the bowl of salted water. > Fresh sink, questionable - will swim. > * Just peeled apples, pears, potatoes, put in the> cold salted water, retain their color. >

* Tea and coffee cups with plaque removed with a damp sponge with salt. > * Glassware is transparent and shiny, if it is to wash> in warm salt water and rinse in ordinary cold. > * Salt water well rinsed and Tarnished Mirror. > * Salt is easy to clean the bottom of burnt pot or pan - should be> only fill the bottom of the thick, wet with water, leave overnight, and> in the morning boil. > * Salt and soda will clean refrigerator and remove any odor. > * A pinch of salt added to the coffee, improve its taste and remove unnecessary> bitterness. > * Add a pinch of salt in the milk, and it will stay fresh longer. > * Fresh traces of sweat on the clothes are removed with a solution of sodium chloride (1> tablespoon per cup of water). > * Warmer longer be hot when in the water, add a little salt. > Salt medicine> * There is a great folk remedy: in case of poisoning drinking> vodka and salt. If vodka is unacceptable to you, drink a few> good cup of salt water, and then try to "give" it back. > * A bit of vodka with salt useful to drink a cold. > * If the pressure has dropped, quickly drink a glass of very salty water. > * If you urgently need to raise the general tone of the body, put a pinch of> salt under the tongue and it slowly absorbable - then swallow a> gulp. This method can be applied only to those who do not> contraindicated use of salt. > * G, as the academician BV Bolotov can rejuvenate our> body. It offers an effective way to increase the secretion> gastric juices. After 5-30 minutes of eating, place the tip of the tongue> 1-2 grams of sodium, or sea salt.
After the salt> dissolved, swallow salty saliva. Such a small amount of salt is not> will have adverse effects, but it will cause additional emissions> gastric juices. > * Salt - a unique, unparalleled antiseptic. > For the treatment of the wounded during World War II surgeon > Shcheglov used cloth soaked in brine. > After 3-4 days, the vast and dirty wounds were cleaned, became clean and> pink. > * Granuloma on the tooth is treated with saline tampons for two weeks. > * When a toothache rinse your mouth with salt water. After each> meal and at bedtime. >

* Inflammation of the lungs and a strong cough back in focus> inflammation superimposed salt dressing. > * Aden and mastopathy treated with folded in 4 layers> cotton towel soaked in a salt solution. His hold on the> problem area at night. The course of treatment - two weeks. > * Fine salt helps with acne and boils. Paste of salt> put on the pimple, to fix the plaster and hold for about an hour. Procedure> again in a few hours. > * When injuries to the affected area apply compresses of salt> vinegar. They are also useful for headaches. > * When scrofula and rickets children 2-3 times a week bathed in the bath: 400 g> salt in a bucket of water. > * When varicose veins apply gauze with hydrochloric gruel on> the problematic vein and bandage elastic bandage. If you do it> regularly, morning and evening, the veins gradually come back to normal. > * Fungal diseases foot hold for 5-10 minutes in a solution of 2> tablespoons of salt to 0.5 liters of warm water. You can bath in salt> add pounded garlic. Repeat until full recovery. > * When a bee sting or a wasp stung by the place attached to wetted> pinch of salt soothes pain and reduces swelling. > * Incredibly strengthens hair and prevents hair loss massage> scalp large rock salt. > You are a fresh, vigorous, well-groomed> * Want body was soft and gentle, with no pimples and bumps? > Before taking a bath easy to rub the dry rock salt, remember> her hands to her hands were pink, potopchites feet on the> chipped salt. In addition to purely cosmetic, and you will get> excellent therapeutic effect of salt ions, penetrating into the skin, will have> a stimulating effect on the entire body. > Salt massage helps with low blood pressure, chronic> digestive disorders, diabetes, frequent colds. > There are, however, and contraindications - skin lesions, rashes, open> wounds, eczema. > * After a hard day lower tired feet in warm water with table> salt, and you immediately feel better. >
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------> You are so harmful and so necessary! >> "Sol - white death - we repeat popular magazines. - From Her> trouble kidneys, pancreas and bladder, heart and arteries." > But how many thousands of years people have used salt, how much effort> have made in order to obtain white death ... It turns out, can not be without it? >> You can not. Because by our veins runs its solution. And the body of the> person contains about 120 grams of salt. If it is much smaller> muscles do not contract, blood does not circulate, the food is not digested,> heart is not beating. True, scientists have still not been able to reach> agreement, how much salt in the body is considered too low,> what - too high. > Recommended medical standards of salt ranging from 3.5 to> 8 grams per day. But the real salt intake on average higher than> recommended rates by 1.5-2 times. Meanwhile, the average rate in excess of> two times already injurious to health, and in three - may increase the> pressure of soils. > Patients with these disorders are recommended salt-free diet. But> it is sick. Meanwhile, fans of a healthy lifestyle often> for prevention are abandoning salt intake. By> actually not only the excess, but the lack of salt causes> irreparable injury. > Salt - a necessary building blocks for the human body. > Each of our cells - is a microscopic ion power, and> performance is dependent on many things, including the presence of salts. > Salt deficiency can lead to a depletion of cells, which may result in edema> limbs and internal organs, the weakening of the blood pressure. > Slows down the process of thinking, physical activity decreases> gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. Salt maintains> human body hydro balance, regulates> pressure and blood volume, promotes digestive functions. > Do not overdo the salt, but do not dismiss it entirely. > Listen to your body, and study his reactions, and all will be> fine, tasty and healthy. > And unsalted lettuce, and a slice of smoked herring and fresh rump> rye bread, generously sprinkled with salt. >