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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

14 Foods That Cleanse the Liver

Modern society is a sad state that produces many over-processed livers. When we overeat or eat processed or fried foods, and, anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is taxed, it can’t process toxins and fat in an efficient way. There are many foods that can help cleanse the liver naturally by stimulating its natural ability to clean toxic waste from the body.

In the past, I have discussed my favorite cleansing foods. This list is a little more specific and focuses mainly on foods that can help cleanse your liver. In addition to taking a liver-cleansing supplement, and performing at least two liver and gallbladder cleanses per year, eating the following foods is the best way to keep your liver healthy and functioning the way you need it to. I would encourage you to incorporate these liver cleanse foods into your weekly diet.

1. Garlic

Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate liver enzymes that help your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

2. Grapefruit

High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increases the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of the liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.

3. Beets and Carrots

Both are extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene; eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

4. Green Tea

This liver-loving beverage is full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a compound known to assist liver function. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet. Learn more about the benefits of green tea.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy Greens
One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a powerful protective mechanism for the liver.
Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory into your diet. This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.

6. Avocados

This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, a compound that is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins.

7. Apples

High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents necessary for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

8. Olive Oil

Cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload many of us suffer from.

9. Whole Grains

Whole Grains
Grains, such as brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins which are nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function and liver decongestion. If possible, do not eat foods with white flour, instead try eating whole wheat alternatives.

10. Cruciferous Vegetables

Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which may significantly lower risks associated with cancer.

11. Lemons & Limes

Lemons and Limes
These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic materials into substances that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.

12. Walnuts

Holding high amounts of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.

13. Cabbage

Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup and sauerkraut.

14. Turmeric

The liver’s favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens.

Tips For Doing a Liver Cleanse

Other liver cleanse foods not listed above include artichoke, asparagus, kale, and brussel sprouts. Eating the foods listed above is a great way to help keep your liver functioning properly. However, for best results, I recommend performing a liver cleanse. Performing a liver cleanse at least twice a year will eliminate any foreign substances that may be trapped in your liver.
- Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Regular sex protects against cancer

SEX AND MASTURBATION benefit the whole body - from head to toe .  
A few minutes of vigorous fuss pacify headaches , relieve fatigue and bad moods . And if it's fun to make regular and add to it the systematic use of fruits, vegetables and oily saltwater fish , you can achieve a full recovery of the body . Immunity strengthened so that it can not break , no infection . Back off heart disease , osteoporosis and cancer. So fans of sex rightfully get a few extra years of life.
Sex treat heart attacks , cancer and colds (
An interesting study recently completed specialists at Queen's University in Belfast. They traced the dependence of the overall health of the regularity of sex. The researchers analyzed data on deaths among the approximately 1,000 middle-aged men over the decade . It was found that among men who have had the most orgasms , death rates were half lower than in those who did not have sex at all . High sexual activity reduces the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
But scientists Wilkes University in Pennsylvania ( United States ) have established that people who regularly engage in sex , the amount of antibody called " immunoglobulin A" , which strengthen the immune system, 30 per cent higher than that of abstaining . So, first get sick less , including colds .
- Is it true that love joy analgin relieve pain better ?
- Without a doubt - pure chemistry . Before orgasm, levels of the hormone oxytocin increases by five times compared to the norm . Brain injects it into the blood . As a result, the hormone regulates body temperature , blood pressure, dulling the pain. It was still in the 1970s found Dr. Beverly Whipple - the one that opened in women previously unknown vaginal erogenous zone , the so-called G-spot ( point G).
- A wound sex hour is not addictive ?
- Do not laugh ! Swedish scientists have recently discovered that sex and in fact affects the healing of wounds. And again with the help of oxytocin . Laboratory mice injuring first leg , and then an injection of the hormone as a substitute for sexual arousal . As a result of wounds on their bodies heal twice as fast than normal.

Need to shout at each other
- Why do the French call an orgasm " little death " ?
- Because it helps to delay the present . Orgasm causes such convulsive movements , in which clears all stagnant body cavity . For example, to destroy pathogens that cause inflammation in the most hazardous areas of the body - " pockets " of the uterus, where they accumulate .
- According to statistics, a third of Russian women do not reach orgasm. So they do not get enough of the drink 's health ?
- Yes, but they can partially make up for the loss of actively moving and screaming . Spasmodic contraction of the glottis and bronchi gives a powerful healing effect : during the act of screaming women rarely suffer from chronic lung diseases - bronchitis and pneumonia . Therefore, during the act the more you shout , the better.
But we must not forget the fact that the organisms of people just need hugs and affection - it is a biological necessity. Our senses are more than five million mechanoreceptors - tactile cells , which is densely dotted with skin , especially the lips and fingertips . When stroking and pressing on the skin changes occur at the biochemical level. Impulses from the skin receptors act in the cerebral cortex , then - in the hypothalamus, and that already stimulates the production of specific hormones, prolactin , overwhelming aggression , and endorphins , relieving stress. So love each other dearly !
Urology Health Center of Moscow Alexei Zvyagino :
- There is a correlation between the frequency of ejaculation and cancer of the prostate. Parameters are as follows: for the production of semen prostate and seminal vesicles are removed from the blood , substances such as zinc, citric acid , potassium, and then their concentration increases up to 600 times . Carcinogens present in the blood too concentrated . Instead of keeping these concentrated carcinogens in the body , it is best to remove them . And you can do it through sex .
The Gerontologist , MD Vladimir Drobinov :
- At the last gerontology conference in London announced the results of research: men who have regular sex , have the potential to become centenarians . The objects of the study were 918 men aged 45 to 59 years. In turn, they were divided into 3 groups according to the regularity and frequency of sex. First - those who are engaged in this process two or more times a week , the second - from 3 to 5 times a month, and a group of " outsiders" who indulge in amorous pleasures at least once a month. After 10 years, British scientists have found that the mortality rate among the " outsiders" twice higher than that of the most active members of the male sex. The members of the intermediate group were dying 1.6 times more often than the "activists" .
Studies also show that men who ejaculate semen more than 5 times a week, a much lower risk of prostate cancer. It is assumed that leaches from ejaculation prostate any carcinogens.
Scientists from Greece claim that orgasm protects against breast cancer. They surveyed patients and healthy men (men with breast cancer is also common, although less frequently than in women) and found that those who experienced a month less than six orgasms , cancer occurs much more frequently. It is associated with androgen levels .
How many times a month should be treated sex ?
20 - 25 - 4 times per week
25 - 30 - 3 times
30 - 40 - two
40 - 50 - one
50 - 60 - once in 2 weeks
60 and above - every three weeks
These are minimum standards , but should strive not to the quantity and quality .

Default Unwritten Prison Rules - Advice for First Time Inmates

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Megan Louise

Default Unwritten Prison Rules - Advice for First Time Inmates

When going to a correctional centre for the first time, it can be an extremely stressful period of your life. I must admit though from my own personal experience, prison was not as bad as I thought it could be. One thing to always remember is your time there is what you make of it. I never experienced any violence or threats while in custody. I thought I might share some inside information for people who for whatever reason end up behind bars and want to do it "easy" rather than "tough".

1) Never steal from other inmates. Rule No.1. It sounds odd being in prison with others that have larceny and other purloining records, but one thing that always gets a person bashed is stealing from another inmate. Usually the person who has stolen is placed "on show" in front of other inmates and is then taken back to a cell and bashed, or if there are screws around, taken to some secluded spot in the jail and bashed. If the screws see someone with a black-eye that inmate will almost invariably be taken to segregation/protection/IMU and will probably spend the rest of their sentence there. Inmates call protection the "boneyard".

2) Avoid going into another inmates cell alone unless you trust that person. An imates cell is their own personal space. You maybe accused of stealing or if someone doesn't like you and they say: "Come into my cell", it usually means a pretext for violence for whatever reason.

3) Never be seen being whispering to a screw or talking in private with them. Even though it may be no-one elses business and has nothing to do with other inmates, you may end up being labelled a "dog" or a "screwlover" and treated with contempt or suspicion. There have been previous cases of the police implanting informants in jail to get information.

4) Never ask anyone about what charges they are on. Be curtious but mind your own business. The biggest thing in jail is gossip and can get a lot of inmates into trouble when the wrong things are said about someone.

5) Try and make as many friends as possible. This maybe difficult and you will get some inmates who are rude or aggressive to you. I kept my distance from such inmates but I was always polite and never hassled them for anything. They will usually leave you alone. Having friends can get you out of trouble with other inmates and the screws. When you're with a group you dont get hassled. When you need something you can work things out without having to threaten anyone or pay for it. After being in custody for 6 months, I ended up with roughly 30 inmates I could call good friends. I still keep in contact with many of them in prison and on the outside. You never know if you'll ever end up back inside.

6) If you smoke or dont smoke always ask for your "free" pouch of tobacco at reception anyway. Tobacco is like a currency in prison. I don't know how many times I managed to get stationary, chocolates and other goodies in exchange for tobacco. Tobacco is also a great way to "break the ice" in forming new friendships. I would often have a cup of tea and chat with other inmates while having a smoke with them. 

How to Survive in Federal Prison

Edited by Ben Rubenstein, Sondra C, Eric, Glutted and 86 others
If you have been sentenced to federal prison, you will become the property of the Bureau Of Prisons (BOP). If you have been given a federal sentence, then it's likely that you'll be spending several years behind bars, but if you know what to expect right away, your life in prison will be much easier. If you want to know how to prepare for federal prison and how to survive in your new environment, just follow these steps.
EditPart 1 of 2: Getting Ready for Prison
  1. 1
    Bite your tongue. If the judge doesn't allow you to self-surrender to the prison where you have been designated, you will be handed over to the U.S. Marshal services. Do not speak to a Marshal, or let him overhear a conversation, about your case or anything else for that matter. Nothing you can say will make the situation any better and it might even make things worse: just because you have already been convicted doesn't mean that you can't be charged with something else.
    • Don't ever forget that anything you say can be taken down in evidence and used against you. So, keep your mouth shut as much as possible.
  2. 2
    Take advantage of medical care outside of prison if you have time. The choice and quality of care is significantly better outside of prison. Certain treatments that you take for granted might not be available in prison, or won't be as good. After all, if you're in prison and you don't like the prison dentist, where else are you going to go to have your teeth fixed? So, if there's time to do it, consider having a dental check-up before you self-surrender, and get anything important fixed.
    • Also, if you wear glasses you may want to have an eye test and get new lenses, assuming you need them. As with dental care, you've got a better choice of lenses and frames outside prison.
    • If you're lucky enough to have some time before prison, get a check-up or address any medical issues you've been having. Though you'll get medical care in prison, it's better to get medical attention before you're locked up.
  3. 3
    Line up some reading material. Most federal prisons allow magazines and books to be sent to inmates - on condition that these are sent directly from the publisher or a retailer like Amazon. If you're self-surrendering and you know which prison you're going to be in, consider taking out a subscription for magazines/journals, and order a couple of books from Amazon to read. Do this a couple of days before you self-surrender.
    • Alternatively, give your friends and family a shopping list of books/magazines and let them take care of ordering things. There's no web access in prisons, so make your selections before you enter prison.
    • Though choosing reading material may be the last thing on your mind before you start your time in federal prison, being prepared for reading material (as soon as you're allowed to have it) can help you feel less lonely and more comforted when you begin your sentence.
  4. 4
    Keep your guard up if you are sent to a hold-over facility or a prison camp. If you are placed in transit to prison, you may be sent to a hold-over facility. The facility you are sent to may be determined by whether you are designated for a low, medium, or high-level prison. Some of the living conditions in these facilities are not ideal, such as being placed in a two-man cell with up to three other inmates for 23 hours a day, being allowed out to rec in an enclosed area for one hour, and only being allowed to shower for five minutes twice a week.
    • Each facility has its own rules -- just be prepared for the extreme conditions you may face.
    • Be especially cautious during this time. You will be with other people who are in a state of uncertainty and are more likely to be volatile than they will be once they get settled in to the prison routine.
  5. 5
    Learn the rules. Try to find out as much as possible about how the system works in the prison you will be living in. If there is an official rule-book for the prison, read it. You can be punished for breaking a rule that you didn't know existed. Breaking the rules will not only piss off personnel but inmates as well. It makes life harder for everyone. Ignorance of the rules is no defense. Information is power.
  6. 6
    Bring the maximum amount of money that you are allowed to take to prison. You may be allowed a certain amount of money (up to $500). This money will be used to buy supplies you may need while incarcerated. This is called putting "money on your books." You will need money for supplies such as stamps, envelopes, snacks and also hygiene supplies.
    • Cash is not necessary and will be confiscated. It's best to go in with a US Postal Service money order as they are widely accepted in all prisons (federal and state).
    • Additionally, don't let anyone know that you have money. Pretend that you're poor and penniless. That way there's no danger of other prisoners trying to extort money from you.

EditPart 2 of 2: Surviving in Prison

  1. 1
    Don't trust anyone. That goes for guards, other prison officials, and the person in the cell next door. If someone is being nice to you, ask yourself "What's in it for him or her?" They almost always have some hidden motive that you don't know about. In prison, nothing is free. For example, if someone gives or loans you something, you will probably have to pay it back with a hefty rate of interest added. If you can't pay, they may demand a favor that could get you into big trouble, like hiding contraband in your cell.
  2. 2
    Hide your emotions. If you want to look tough, do not show fear, anger, happiness, or pain. Emotions are your worst enemy because they reveal your weaknesses. Both inmates and guards prey on weakness. Don't give them the opportunity to do so. If someone can figure out what makes you angry, they can use that knowledge to manipulate you. In the same way, if someone knows what makes you happy, they can try to ruin it for you. And because they are around you 24/7, they have unlimited opportunities to test their manipulative skills on you.
  3. 3
    Make use of your cellmates. Do not be overly friendly with your cell mates but do ask some questions. Many have been in prison before and will be able to give you information about the prison you are being sent to as well as the system itself. You will have to judge for yourself whether to believe any of the information. Use common sense and try to figure out if that person has a reason to lie or mislead you. Some convicts will try to intimidate new inmates or mislead them for fun. Be careful.
  4. 4
    Choose your words carefully. Potentially, anything you say to guards or prisoners, no matter how innocent you think it is, can be used to hurt you, manipulate you, or be taken out of context. Avoid discussing dangerous conversational topics. Otherwise, it can easily get you into trouble. Obvious subjects to steer clear of are religion, politics, racial issues, or your own personal feelings about someone or their family and friends.
    • Some of the prisoners you'll encounter may have a short temper, or are mentally ill, of low intelligence, or just plain bad. Prisoners like that don't have a warning written on their forehead - they look like regular guys.
    • You can easily be misunderstood or deliberately misquoted by someone who's trying to stir up trouble. What starts out as a petty argument over a trivial issue can turn into someone bearing a strong personal grudge against you.
    • Don't be paranoid. Just be aware that things may not be what they seem, such as the prisoner who tells you that gay or black people are just like everyone else, then asks what you think may in reality hate homosexuals or black people - he's just testing your attitude or yanking your chain.
  5. 5
    Always be polite and respectful to guards and other prison employees. If you give them a reason to hate you, they can make your life even harder than it already is. So, don't give them a stick to beat you with. It's true that some prison employees are better than others. Even so, never forget whose side they're on - it certainly isn't yours. You need to get it in your head that the staff are always right and you need to do what they say. Even if you know it is wrong at the time, it is best to just follow the order, and if you have a problem with it, you can address it at some later point.
    • For example, if you work as a server in the kitchen and a staff foreman tells you to go clean tables in the dining room though you know it's not a part of your duties. The best thing to do is to just go clean the tables, because you are an inmate and you are not going to win an argument with a staff member.
    • Don't do anything that makes staff feel challenged or intimidated; they have various ways of making you pay for that mistake.
  6. 6
    Don't stare at the other prisoners. Although you're simply curious about them, the other person can completely misinterpret what's happening. In prison, if someone stares at you it usually means they feel intense hostility or disapproval towards you. Alternatively, staring is a way of showing sexual interest. It's OK to look at people, but don't stare at them. There's a difference between looking and staring.
    • When you're walking to your cell, do not stare into the other prisoners' cells. This is considered an invasion of privacy and can get you in big trouble.
  7. 7
    Don't be a snitch. People who tell tales to the guards or other prisoners are despised by everyone and can be physically attacked. The best thing you can do in prison is to see everything, hear everything, and say nothing. If the guards ask you for information about some incident involving other prisoners, claim that you were looking the other way and didn't notice or hear anything. While this may irritate the staff on some level that you aren't willing to snitch, they will likely understand.
    • Avoid being seen talking to guards in a friendly way because other prisoners could assume (wrongly) that you're a snitch.
    • Don't talk to prison staff any more than absolutely necessary, because while it may be just innocent conversation about the weather, other inmates won't perceive it that way.
  8. 8
    Don't ask the staff to solve your problems. Truth is, you can never go to staff for assistance with issues you may have, or else you will have problems with inmates if you do. If you go to staff with a problem, the only thing they can do for you is put you in the SHU as a protective custody inmate, and that will cause you trouble throughout your entire incarceration
    • If you complain to staff, you're stuck out in no-man's-land between the staff and inmates. Neither group will help you. Try to get used to the fact that you have very few human rights in prison, and that you're largely powerless to change your circumstances.
  9. 9
    Ask to be placed in the Secure Housing Unit (SHU) only in extreme circumstances. When fights occur in prison, the participants may be punished by being put in a segregation unit or be moved to a higher level of confinement, but it is extremely unusual for them to be charged with a crime, as long as all the participants were prisoners. Your legal protections in prison are severely curtailed by the system. The guards and administrators do not want anyone to make waves.
    • Prison employees will punish you for making waves much more quickly than they will come to your aid. Sometimes the punishment will be official, in other cases it will be more subtle e.g. "forgetting" or "misplacing" something that you need.
    • You always have the option to ask to be put in the hole for your own protection. The hole is unpleasant, but it is relatively safe. Don't ask for this kind of protection unless you fear for your life because if you go to the SHU you'll spend 99.9% of your time locked inside a cell.
  10. 10
    Don't join a prison gang. Just like in the real world, in prison there are gangs. But in prison, gangs are far more prevalent. These gangs work very differently on the inside than on the outside. Be mindful of gang members, but avoid joining a gang; gang members are soldiers, and gang leaders demand absolute loyalty. If you join a gang, you may be ordered to do something that will keep you in prison a lot longer; a gang member has no choice, because aside from getting out of prison, there's only one way to quit a prison gang while in prison: to die.
    • All prison gangs are separated first and foremost by the races they are typically associated with. Bloods/Crips/Black Guerilla Family (African-American); the Mexican Mafia (Mexicans); MS-13 (Salvadoran/Honduran/Guatemalan/Nicaraguan); White Supremist/Nazi (Caucasian), etc. There are many different divisions.
  11. 11
    Show allegiance to your race. It is crucial to your survival in the prison system to immediately show your allegiance to your race -- though this doesn't mean you have to join a gang to do it. If you are some white suburbanite 19-year-old kid that pledged yourself as a crip, and you used to buy the dope you got busted selling from your crip homeboys in the projects, that doesn't mean you can link up with them in prison. If you're white and you walk in slapping high fives with the brothers before you shake hands with the white dudes, you're going to send a rift through the whole community.
    • This doesn't mean you have to get a swastika on your forehead or "Blood for Life" tattooed on your chest. It simply means whichever race you are associated with, you seek them out first and introduce yourself.
    • You get to know inmates of your race first. Especially the "important" figures within your race. You can be "friendly" with people of other races after that.
    • In prison, blacks, Mexicans, Chicanos, Asians, and whites all look after their own. This isn't the time to be colorblind.
  12. 12
    Seek out people from your hometown. In most federal facilities, there are inmates from all over the country. You can do an inmate search prior to turning yourself in. You'll be able to look through the prison inmate listing to see if you know anyone or where their home state is. When you get to your designated facility, you need to find other inmates who are from your city or state; these are your "home boys" and they will usually help you with things you have an immediate need for, such as basic hygiene items and shoes.
    • But beware of your home boys if there is anything wrong with you or your case, like if you are an informant, sex offender, or anything else frowned upon by inmates, in which case your home boys will probably be the ones that will confront you on it. This could include assault, stabbing or whatever else they think you deserve.
  13. 13
    Respect the personal space of the other prisoners and don't let them invade yours. You will be tested and if you allow others to get too close to you for comfort, they will just get closer and closer until your subservience is obvious. Have respect and never reach over someone else's plate at the mess hall for the pepper, salt, etc. Don't allow others to reach over your plate either, or you'll look like a pushover.
    • Personal possessions like photographs, letters and other stuff are very important when someone is in prison. So, never borrow or use something that belongs to another prisoner unless he's told you it's OK to do it. Touching someone's personal possessions without their permission is a no-no.
  14. 14
    Get used to the new rules. Above all, remember that the normal rules of the outside world simply don't apply any longer. When you're in prison, you're living on a different planet where all that matters to you is surviving the experience with as little damage as possible.


  • Letters and phone calls going in or out of a prison are routinely monitored. That's because the prison authorities are always looking for "dirt". If they spot something interesting, a copy or recording will be made for future investigation. Warn your friends and family that there's no such thing as privacy when you're inside prison.
  • Bear in mind that anything you say, especially on the phone, is likely to be overheard by both prisoners and guards. There are snitches among your fellow inmates that are looking to trade information for favors with the staff (this is encouraged by people like case managers). Be especially careful about criticizing another inmate as you can pretty much guarantee that it will get back to him.
  • Keep a low profile and try to blend into the background when you are in prison. Stay under the radar of guards and other prison employees. Basically, don't draw attention to yourself if you can avoid it. Remember that the nail that stands out gets hammered in. Watch and learn.
  • When you enter prison, try to concentrate on what's going on inside prison, because time will seem to pass faster that way. It's difficult not to think about the things you're missing out on in the outside world, but torturing yourself with it will just make you miserable. It certainly won't get you out of prison any faster. Instead, concentrate on the things you can control in prison, not the things that are out of your reach outside the prison fence.
  • Inmates who are homosexual are usually looked down upon and are ostracized by other inmates. If you are gay, you best keep it to yourself while in prison, because it will only cause you problems. Inmates who are unusually young or cute-looking may be approached sexually by others who are testing the waters. If you are approached, it is best to decline; you do not want to become the property of some other inmates.
  • When you have to go to the showers with 12 to 20 other inmates, wear boxers.
  • Start eating like a horse, workout and study/practice street fighting techniques. At some point soon you are going to be tested and you'll need to show that you can look after yourself.
  • Don't forget to get vaccinated for everything possible before sentencing, your county health service will do it at a reduced cost and it could save your life.

  • Hopefully you will never be physically attacked during your time in prison. However, if you are, here are some points to bear in mind. You can be attacked anywhere in the prison, though usually it will happen in a place where there is no direct surveillance by guards, e.g., a corridor. Obviously, you could be attacked in a cell, though a classic place for an attack is the toilet or shower, when you are distracted. An attacker can seize a time-window of just 30 seconds to attack you, then walk away nonchalantly. So, watch their hands because that's where the attack comes from. If someone has their hands in their pockets or behind their back, they could be concealing an improvised weapon such as a home-made knife. Don't let yourself get backed into a corner where you have no escape route away from your attacker.
  • Don't bend over in the showers.
  • This may sound weird and uncomfortable, but could be life-saving: If you are concerned about getting attacked, sit when you go to the bathroom, and take your pants off completely. Since many attacks happen when you are using the toilet, it's easier to defend yourself without your pants around your ankles, so you would not trip.
  • Be careful to never call anyone a "punk" or "bitch", as they have a much different meaning in prison. If you should ever call someone either of those, be prepared for a nasty fight. If the attack doesn't come immediately, it doesn't mean it's not coming. If someone should ever call you a "punk" or a "bitch", it may seem logical to be the better man and walk away; however, while in prison, you have to show that you won't allow yourself to be punked, and it is almost certainly expected of you to put up a fight when called either one of these two names. Prison is a violent place; watching what you say can save your life.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to Lease a Car and Get the Best Deal

Getty Images

  • Tips

    • Over time, the cost of leasing several cars will likely exceed the purchase price of a new or used car.
    • Don't tell a car dealer you plan to lease until after you've negotiated the car's purchase price.
    • Beware salespeople who focus only on your monthly payment will be. Stay aware of the total price you'll pay, including down payment.
A car lease lets you drive a new vehicle without paying a large sum of cash or taking out a loan.
To lease a car, you simply make a small down payment — less than the typical 20% of a car’s value you’d pay to buy– followed by monthly payments for the term of the lease. When the term expires, you return the car.
Leasing a car has some drawbacks, however. Among them:
• You don’t own the car when your lease expires. You essentially rent, not buy, the car. So you don’t have equity in the car to use toward the purchase of another vehicle.
• Over time, say 10 years, the cost of leasing several cars will likely exceed the purchase price of a new or used car.
• Lease terms can carry steep penalties. You may have to pay penalties if:
-You exceed the number of miles in your lease contract.
- You fail to keep the interior and exterior of the car in good condition.
- You drive the car hard and inflict significant wear and tear on the car’s performance and appearance.
- You want to return the car before your contract expires.
Does a lease make sense for you?
Leasing is more beneficial than buying when you:
• Don’t have the cash to buy the car.
• Want to drive a vehicle that’s out of your purchase price range.
• Won’t likely exceed the mileage cap in a contract—usually between 10,000 and 15,000 miles per year.
• Can take good care of the car’s exterior and interior, paying particular attention to avoid nicks, spills and other cosmetic damage.
• Expect to lease another car when your vehicle’s current contract expires.
Exceeding the mileage limits on your lease can cost you 10 to 15 cents per mile. The dealer will inspect your car just before the lease expires, and you’ll also be charged for excessive wear and tear.
How to Lease
Leasing a car is less complicated than buying one. But to get the best deal on the car you want, you must still follow these steps:
Step 1. Choose a type— What kind of car do you want? Better yet, what car do you need? A convertible? A sedan? An SUV?
Step 2. Pick your models— Make a list of car types in your price range. You can reduce non-lease costs by including models with favorable gas mileage, high dependability, top safety features and low insurance premiums (ask your auto insurance agent for a list of vehicles that fit the bill).
Step 3. Take a test drive— Once you’ve narrowed your list to a few models, take each car for a test drive. Pay particular attention to comfort, visibility, braking, steering, internal noise and shock-absorption. At this stage, don’t yet mention you intend to lease (more on this in Step 6).
Step 4. Ask about safety— During your test drive, ask the salesperson whether the vehicle comes with anti-lock brake systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC) and head-protecting side air bags. All are valuable safety features.
Step 5. Compare lease deals— When you return home from the dealer, calculate the lease deals on offer and figure out how much you can afford to pay monthly.
Step 6. Talk price first— Once you’re ready to return to a dealership to strike a deal, don’t tell the dealer you plan to lease until after you’ve negotiated a purchase price. Most people who lease are unaware that their monthly payments will be based on the final agreed-upon price.
Step 7. Negotiate up— Negotiate the final price of the vehicle up from the rock-bottom cost to the dealership. You can find out what new cars cost a dealer for $14 per vehicle at Consumer Reports. Your monthly payments will be based on the price you and the salesperson settle on. That price will fall somewhere between the dealer’s wholesale price and the manufacturer’s suggested retail price.
Step 8. Beware of gab— Your salesperson may try to push you toward closing the deal by focusing on the relatively low amount you’ll have to pay each month. This, however, will add to the total amount you’ll pay.
Step 9. Paying the Lease— The larger your initial down payment, the lower your monthly tab will be. As with any bill, you’ll face penalties if you fail to make payments on time. Turning in your leased car early, before the loan term ends will typically result in a penalty—unless you are trading in the car for another leased or purchased car.
  • Online Tools:

    • -- Calculate what auto lease monthly payments will look like.
    • SmartMoney -- Figure out whether to lease or to buy a car.
    • Edmunds -- Another auto lease monthly payment calculator.

Best Month to Buy a Car

 best month to buy a car

Is there really a best month to buy a car? Here's a look at the different times, seasons and ideas when buy a car.

There is nothing quite like that new car smell, though it can quickly be overwhelmed by the realization that you might have overpaid for the car. An automobile is one of the most expensive purchases most people make, one that usually stays with them through years of monthly payments. Nobody wants the joy of driving a car to be negated by the pain of paying too much for it.
Fortunately, there are many good deals when it comes to purchasing an automobile. There are rebates, zero-interest payments and other ways to save. Savvy shoppers can find a quality car at a good price, especially if they choose the right times to visit the showroom.
Buying a car is one of those rare occasions when procrastination can be a good thing. Some of the best deals can be found by waiting until the end of the month or, better yet, the end of the year.
Most dealers work on a monthly bonus system, where if they meet certain sales goals within a month they receive a bonus check. If they are just short of reaching that goal two or three days before the end of the month, then there is extra incentive for the dealer to make another sale. For example, if they are one car short of reaching a $2,000 bonus, then it would still be worthwhile for them to knock $1,000 or even $1,500 off the price.
However, if a dealer has had a particularly good sales period and has already reached the bonus number before the month ends, then the primary motivation for slashing prices has been removed. So it is possible that the same dealer offering discounts at the end of one month might not budge on the price the following month.
A better option might be to wait until the end of the year, when there could be even greater incentives for dealers to negotiate. Annual sales bonuses usually are significantly higher than monthly ones. So once again, if a dealer is close to reaching a sales goal that triggers a substantial bonus, then there is incentive to slash $2,000 or $3,000 off the price.
In addition, dealerships are sometimes desperate to clear the lot of that year's models to make way for the latest and greatest offerings, which usually begin arriving in September and October. Unlike wine, unsold new cars do not age well. When the calendar flips, all those vehicles are suddenly a year old. Yet in reality they are still basically new cars with hardly any miles on them. Unless a manufacturer had made a major design change with a model, the practical difference in cars from one year to the next is slight. But the difference in price can be significant.
The worst time of the year to buy a car, particularly a used one, might be during the spring. Tax refund checks are rolling in and people start driving more as the winter weather fades. With extra cash in hand and warmer days ahead, more people are looking to buy a car. And more shoppers means more opportunities for dealers to sell without needing to offer discounts.
Like most products, the price of a car depends partly on whether it is a buyer's or a seller's market. Whenever dealers have extra incentive to sell, that's the best time to buy.

When is the best time of year to buy a new car

  "Smart shoppers who let timing work to their advantage have the potential to save hundreds, sometimes even thousands of dollars," says Brian Moody, site editor.
While a common perception is that the best deals are found at the end of the year, Moody says this isn't the only good time to shop.
"There's no guarantee that a year-end sale will impact every model – especially those that are all-new or in high demand. And not every buyer can afford to wait," Moody says. "Shoppers can get good deals all year long using the same logic that drives the year-end bargains."
The experts say other good times to buy include:
  • End of the model year: "This can happen as early as spring, but for the most part new model year cars start arriving on dealer lots in late summer and early fall. For example, shoppers will soon start to see discounted prices on remaining 2013 models – especially on cars that are all-new for 2014. If you don't have to have the latest and greatest model, this is an easy way to save," Moody says.
  • End of the quarter/end of the month: "Just like at the end of the year, dealers have monthly and quarterly sales goals. If they're just shy of the target, they could be more motivated to get the deal done," Moody says.
  • End of the day: "Salespeople will stay late to close out a deal for a serious shopper, and could be more flexible in order to wrap things up and get home," says Moody.
  • Rainy/snowy days: "These are slow days for dealers, since most people don't want to be outside on the lot in bad weather. If you hit the dealership any time demand is low, you'll be more likely to save compared to the shopper who negotiates when the dealer is busy closing sales," Moody says.
To learn more about how consumers can use timing to their advantage when shopping for a new car, check out the full story on
Created in 1997, Atlanta-based is the Internet's ultimate automotive marketplace. As a leading resource for car shoppers and sellers, aggregates millions of new, used and certified pre-owned cars from thousands of dealers and private sellers and provides expert articles and reviews., which also operates the® auto marketing brand, is wholly owned by AutoTrader Group™. Additionally, AutoTrader Group owns Kelley Blue Book® ( as well as three other companies that provide a full suite of software tools that help dealers and manufacturers manage their inventory and advertising online: vAuto®, HomeNet Automotive® and VinSolutions®.  AutoTrader Group is a majority-owned subsidiary of Cox Enterprises. Providence Equity Partners is a 25 percent owner of the company and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers is also an investor. For more information, please visit

Sunday, October 6, 2013

10 Foods That Will Fight Your Candida

I’ve included 10 of my favorite Candida-fighting foods in this list. You can make some delicious recipes with these ingredients, safe in the knowledge that the food you are eating is helping with your Candida treatment too.
My Ultimate Candida Diet program contains a larger list of 25 Candida-fighting foods that you can find in your local store. It includes some surprising probiotic and antifungal foods, as well as some that will help your body’s own detoxification processes.

coconut oil1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a potent Candida killer, and one of the most potent antifungals there is. It contains Lauric acid and Caprylic acid, which both help prevent Candida overgrowth and strengthen your immune system.
Coconut oil is very heat stable, so it’s an ideal oil to use for frying and cooking. It is also cheap to buy and has a much longer shelf life than other oils, so there’s no excuse! You can 2-3 tablespoons per day.

garlic2. Garlic

Garlic has powerful antifungal properties to attack Candida, while also preserving and boosting the good bacteria in your digestive system. Garlic stimulates the liver and colon, giving it a potent detoxifying effect on the body.
If you love garlic, then use it liberally to flavor your food. You can also drink 2-4 cloves per day, crushed and mixed with water as an anti-Candida tonic. Avoid taking it on an completely empty stomach, and try it with a tablespoon of coconut oil to cut down on the stomach burn.

onions3. Onions

Onions have strong anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic properties. They also help to flush excess fluids out the body – this is useful because many Candida sufferers experience water retention. Onions along with garlic can give you breath issues, so a handy tip is to eat them with a bit of parsley to counter the smell.

seaweed-salad4. Seaweed

Seaweed is a nutrient-dense healing food that will help the body in the fight against Candida. It is rich in Iodine to help balance your thyroid gland – Candida sufferers often experience hypothyroidism and its many symptoms. Seaweed flushes toxic pollutants and heavy metals from the body, and cleanses your intestinal tract.
Kelp extract supplements are one of the most potent sources of Iodine, but you should also try eating lots of different types of seaweed.

Swedes at the Greengrocers.5. Rutabaga

Rutabaga is one of the most potent antifungal foods that you will find. Although you might think it falls into the same category of foods to avoid as sweet potatoes and yams, it actually has some very strong antifungal properties. Try it in small amounts first – if you find that it causes Die-Off symptoms then you might want to try a milder antifungal like turnip instead. Rutabaga is a versatile vegetable – you can make a rutabaga mash, cut up some rutabaga fries or mix it into your vegetable soup.

ginger6. Ginger

Ginger has a detoxing on the body by increasing circulation and detoxifying the liver, in addition to stimulating the immune system. It has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps reduce intestinal gas. It also has a soothing effect on any inflammation that the Candida overgrowth may cause in your intestinal tract.
Ginger tea is incredibly easy to make – here’s how you do it:
1 square inch piece of fresh Ginger root
Squeeze of lemon
2 cup of water

Cut off the outside of the ginger root, then grate it and add to boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes. Strain and serve with a slice of lemon.

olive oil7. Olive Oil

Olive oil contains a plant chemical named Oleuropein, which is found in both olive oil and olive leaf extract. It contains powerful anti-fungal properties and stimulates your immune system response to Candida. It has also been shown to help stabilize blood sugar levels – this is important for Candida sufferers because elevated blood sugar levels can feed your yeast overgrowth.

lemon water8. Lemon and Lime Juice

Lemon and lime juice stimulate the peristaltic action of your colon, increasing the efficiency of your digestive system.
Both lemons and limes are great options for seasoning your vegetable, fish and meat dishes.

pumpkin seeds9. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties. ‘Omega-3′s also help combat depression and symptoms of Candida inflammation such as pain and skin conditions. It is a well established fact that most of us do not get enough Omega-3 oils in our diet to maintain optimum thyroid health. Deficiencies in this fatty acid have been linked to lower thyroid hormone levels. For an easy Omega-3 boost, add these pumpkin seeds to cereal, smoothies, salads or even use them as a portable snack.

cayenne pepper10. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper gives natural support to your digestive system and immune system. It helps to digest food and reduces constipation by cleansing the bowel of Candida and other toxins. Cayenne also increases metabolism and circulation, which will help to reduce one of the most common Candida symptoms, fatigue. Use cayenne pepper liberally to spice up your favorite foods.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Items to Sell in a Convenience Store

by Carl Hose, Demand Media
The convenience store takes its name from its purpose and the products normally carried in stock. A convenience store can be a stand-alone store but is often part of a gas station, making it convenient for customers to purchase items while filling their vehicles with gas. According to the Illinois Department of Commerce, small convenience stores should ideally stock 2,800 to 3,200 items in as many as to 400 categories.

Eggs and Dairy Products

Many convenience stores stock basic dairy items, such as milk, butter. cottage cheese, sour cream and other cheese products. There will not typically be a wide range of brands on hand. Milk sizes will likely include pint, half-gallon and gallon sizes. Cheese products are often shredded. Eggs are also found in many convenience stores. Some convenience stores will also carry half and half or heavy cream.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Many convenience stores carry a range of over-the-counter medications that include aspirin, cough medicine, lip balm, sinus medication and throat lozenges. Sizes of these products vary. Sometimes there will be single doses of aspirin or other pain-relief medications available at the counter, but the store also may carry large sizes.

Dry and Canned Goods

Most convenience stores carry a range of bread products, including loaves of bread, hot dog and hamburger buns, and dinner rolls. There will typically be one or two brands on hand at most. Limited canned goods, such as soup, common vegetables, canned meat, chili and stew may also be found on convenience store shelves. Dry good items include limited bagged pasta and beans. Pickles, relish, catsup, mustard and mayonnaise are also stocked on convenience store shelves.


According to the Illinois Department of Commerce, "Convenience stores generally do not stock fresh meats or produce when located in a community with an independent grocer." This includes steaks, chops and chicken. You are more likely to find a wide range of lunch meats that include bologna, ham, pickle loaf and salami. Some convenience stores may also carry summer sausage products as well.


Convenience stores will typically carry juices, cold and warm soda, coffee and energy drinks, and a range of alcoholic beverages that include several brands of beer and wine, if permitted by state and local laws.

Sweets and Snacks

Many convenience stores devote an entire section of the store to a range of candy products, both in single servings and bulk, chips, dried meat snacks, chewing gum canned puddings and sweet cakes. You will also find a variety of nuts as well. Some convenience stores may offer prepared sandwiches, pickles, nachos, fountain drinks and snacks designed to appeal to customers who visit the store hungry.

Additional Items

Tobacco products, batteries, foam coolers, plastic gas cans, flashlights, candles, windshield cleaners and cleaning fluid, transmission fluid and motor oil are some of the additional items that may be found in a convenience store because they are products consumers may need in an emergency or impulsively purchase because they happen to be in the store.

Police Stops: What to Do If You Are Pulled Over

f you are pulled over by the police, you will be in a much better position to challenge your ticket in court if you take a few simple steps.  Here are some suggestions.

If you are pulled over by the police, here's what to do and say.

When You See the Police Car

If a police car is following you with its siren blaring or emergency lights flashing, pull over to the right safely and quickly. Pull over in a way that will be most likely to calm down an angry or annoyed traffic officer. Use your turn signal to indicate any lane changes from left to right, and slow down fairly quickly, but not so quickly that the officer will have to brake to avoid hitting you. Pull over as far to the right as possible so that, when the officer comes up to your widow, he or she won't have to worry about being clipped by vehicles in the right lane.
By stopping as soon as you can, you'll have a better chance of figuring out exactly where the officer says you committed a violation. You may want to return to that area later to make sure the officer was telling the truth about how he or she judged your speed, saw your turn, or witnessed any other violation.

Right After You Stop

After you've pulled over to a safe spot, you might want to show the officer a few other token courtesies. At this point, you have little to lose and perhaps something to gain.
First off, roll down your window all the way. You may also want to turn off the engine, place your hands on the steering wheel, and, if it's dark, turn on your interior light. This will tend to allay any fears the officer may have. (After all, police officers are killed every day in such "ordinary" traffic-stop situations, and the officer's approach to the vehicle is the potentially most dangerous.)
Don't start rummaging through your back pocket for your wallet and license, or in your glove compartment for your registration, until the officer asks you for them. For all the officer knows, you could be reaching for a gun.
If you are at all concerned that the person who stopped you is not actually a police officer (for example, if the car that pulled you over is unmarked), you should ask to see the officer's photo identification along with his badge. If you still have doubts, you can ask that the officer to call a supervisor to the scene or you can request that you be allowed to follow the officer to a police station.

Avoid Giving the Officer an Excuse to Search

A police officer is normally not allowed to search your vehicle. However, there are several exceptions to this. An officer who observes you trying to either hide something under the seat or throw something out the window may legally search your car. Once cops are on your rear bumper with his spotlight silhouetting your every move, they're watching for any sort of furtive movement. A sudden lowering of one or both shoulders will tip them off that you're attempting to hide something under the seat.
If the officer has a reasonable suspicion you are armed and dangerous, he or she can frisk you (pat you down). Similarly, if the officer reasonably suspects that you are involved in criminal activity he or she can also perform a pat down, and if police officers have probable cause -- a reasonable basis or justification to believe that you or your passengers are involved in criminal activity -- they can search your car and objects belonging to passengers.
Even if the officer doesn't have reasonable suspicion or probable cause, once you are stopped, a police officer may seize any illegal objects in your car that are in "plain view." Once they see the object, such as open beer or wine bottles or drug paraphernalia, they can open the car door to reach in and get it. After that, they may come across other objects that are in plain view and shouldn't be in your car, and they can seize these, too.
Lastly, your car may also be searched if you or any occupant is arrested. Also, if you're arrested and your car is towed, the police may make an "inventory search" afterward, even if they have no reason to suspect there is anything illegal inside.

Should You Get Out of Your Car?

An officer who stops you for an alleged traffic violation has the right to insist that you and your passengers get out of your car. You should do so if asked. Also, getting out of your car may make it easier for you to check road conditions, the weather, and the place the violation supposedly occurred.
However, many police officers prefer that you stay in your car and will tell you to stay there if you start to get out. If this happens, obviously you should cooperate. If you get out of the car against the officer's orders, don't be surprised to see a gun pointing at you. Cops are trained to expect the worst. When you get out of your car, they may assume you're about to pull a weapon or attempt to flee.
If an officer has any reason to believe that you might be dangerous, he or she has a right to conduct a quick "pat-down" search of your outer clothing while standing next to you, to make sure you don't have a concealed knife or gun. If the officer feels any weapon-sized object during the pat-down search, he or she can reach in and get it. Also, the officer's good faith belief that you may be dangerous justifies a search of the passenger compartment of your car for weapons.

Talking to the Officer

Many people stopped by an officer make the mistake of saying the wrong thing to him or her and failing to say the right things, and a case can be won or lost depending on what you say -- or don't say -- to the officer.
Don't speak first. Especially don't start off with a defensive or hostile "What's the problem?" or similar words. Let the officer start talking. He or she will probably ask to see your license and vehicle registration. Many people make the mistake of insisting the officer tell them why they were stopped before they'll comply. Don't make that mistake. Reply "okay" or "sure," then hand over the documents.
One of the first things traffic cops learn in the police academy is to decide, before leaving their vehicle, whether they're going to give a ticket or just a warning. They may act as though they still haven't made up their minds and are going to let you off only if you'll cooperate. Don't fall for this. The hesitating officer may be trying to appear open-minded in order to extract admissions out of you, to use them against you in court if necessary. The strategy is to try to get you to admit either that you committed a violation or that you were so careless, inattentive, or negligent that you don't know whether you did or not.
The officer might start by asking you the sort of question whose lack of a definite answer would imply guilt, like, "Do you know why I stopped you?" Or, he or she might ask, "Do you know how fast you were going?" Your answers, if any, should be non-committal and brief, like a simple "No" to the first question or a very confident, "Yes, I do," to the second. If the officer then tells you how fast he or she thinks you were going or what he or she thinks you did, don't argue. Give a noncommittal answer, like, "I see," or no answer at all. Silence is not an admission of guilt and cannot be used against you in court.
For further information about police stops, see The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System, by Paul Bergman and Sara J. Berman (Nolo).