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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Interview With the oldest Man or Longevity tips -How to Live Longer

The title of the elderly residents of Philadelphia city owned by 107-year-old citizen of the United States of America Lazar Aysman.  

 Lazar Aysman was born September 18, 1895. He lives in Philadelphia (state Pennsylvania). He leads an active life, keeps a clear mind and  excellent memory. Lazar leads conversation on any topic from how to grow fruits and vegetables to the politics.

Tips how to increase longevity:

1. Do moderate exercise.

2. Walk in the fresh air.

3. Spend at least 20 minutes in a Son

4. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and olive oil.

6. Drink green tea and a glass of red wine every day.

6. Less worry and do not be nervous for any reason.

7. Go in for an interesting case.

8. Make friends with different people.

9. Help your loved ones any time you can.

The duration of human life depends on many factors ...  Survive to a hundred years, only a small fraction of the total percentage of people on Earth. And people over 110 years can be counted on the fingers.

People under the age of 100-109 years - about 200,000. All in all, the world is home to over 6 billion 609 million people.

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