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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coffee Enema Detox-Why and How

An enema is the introduction of fluid into the bowel via the anus for clearing the bowel of fecal matter. Usually, the fluid used in the process is water mixed with sodium bicarbonate, or any other mild alkaline solution. In a coffee enema detox, the bowel will not only be cleared of fecal matter, but will also stimulate the liver to carry out its tasks better. For achieving the effect of coffee on the liver functioning through this process, one might think drinking coffee instead will also bring about the same result. However, it does not work that way. You will learn more and more of the coffee enema detox, about its background and course of action, as you read this article further.

How it Detoxifies Your Body
The liver has so many bodily functions. Weighing around 3 lbs and considered as the largest glandular organ of the body, the liver converts glucose into glycogen for energy reserves, emulsification of fats, storage of certain vitamins and minerals such as iron, and many other tasks. But perhaps its most popular function is clearing the blood stream of harmful substances. You see, whatever you put into your mouth, the liver sorts it out. If the substance is not harmful, the liver permits it into the blood circulation; otherwise, it gets rid of the substance.
The coffee enema detox helps the liver produce more bile and facilitate its flow. Through this process, the rate of elimination of toxins amassed by the liver becomes faster. We all know the signs and symptoms of accumulation of toxins in the body systems. Through the rapid detoxification effect of the coffee enema, one can quickly get rid of general feeling of heaviness, lifelessness, fatigue, chronic pain and others.

Enema vs. Colonic
Enema and colonic both involves the process of introducing fluid into the colon, through the anus, for cleansing. However, there are some key differences, some of which include:
1. A colonic is intended for cleansing the entire length of the colon, while an enema is only for the lower part of the colon – the sigmoid, to be exact.
2. Multiple injection of fluid is done during a colonic. On the other hand, an enema involves just one injection.
3. A colonic is done by a professional, and requires certain equipment to be performed. But an enema can be done by anyone, even to one’s self, as there are available enema kits.
Now, you may ask: If an enema is good for cleaning only the lower part of the colon, how does the coffee enema reaches all the way up to the liver, sitting at the right side of the stomach? That’s a very good question, with an equally good answer.
There is a unique circulatory system existing around the lower part of the colon. Called the hepatic portal system, this enables substances absorbed by the colon to go straight to the liver, allowing some sort of communication between the two organs. The caffeine content of the coffee enema reaches the liver through this unique circulatory system, even though an enema is intended only for the lower colon. This is also the reason behind why drinking coffee, as mentioned earlier, will not yield the same result as that brought about by a coffee enema detox.

How to Prepare and Administer
There are enema kits which you can purchase in drugstores or other specialty shops. Aside from those, you also need to have your coffee. However, there are 3 key things you must take note of when choosing your coffee for this enema. First, make sure it is not the decaffeinated variant – caffeine is essential for the coffee enema detox to work. Second, use freshly-ground coffee beans, and not instant coffee. Lastly, go for the organic variant as they contain no chemicals which may only introduce toxins into the body.
Add 2 tablespoons of coffee into a liter of water in a pot, and let it boil for 10 minutes to get rid of impurities in the water. After boiling, let it cool until it’s just as warm as milk formula given to a baby, or about normal body temperature. Strain it, transfer it to the enema bag, and then hang it at a doorknob, or any other structure that is around 2 feet from the floor. To get rid of air in the tube, open the clamp and let some of the coffee out of the tube, then replace the clamp.
Now lie on the floor on your right side, to ensure that the coffee you will introduce through the anus gets to the entire sigmoid part of your colon. Have your knees bent and drawn close to the abdomen. Lubricate the tip of the enema kit, the catheter, using olive oil or KY jelly, then insert it about 2 inches into your anus, directed towards your belly button. It helps to inhale deeply before inserting the catheter, to help relax the anal sphincter. Release the clamp to slowly let in the coffee into your colon. If you begin to encounter a feeling of fullness or slight discomfort, replace the clamp and remove the tube. Maintain in that position and try to retain the enema for 12-15 minutes, the empty the coffee into the toilet. Simply discard unused coffee and clean the enema kit accordingly.

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