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Sunday, February 23, 2014

"American aircraft carriers were attacked by strange disc-shaped aircraft with Nazi crosses on the side"

Member  of events included in the " anthology UFO" , a resident of Ternopol city of Soviet Union Konstantin Yalyarashkovsky first told the "facts" what really happened 62 years ago at the coast of Antarctica, with a squadron of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd
The amazing events that took place in 1947 in Antarctica with the American squadron , were perfectly aware and president of the United States and the Soviet leadership . However, until recently, has been carefully classified. It's not a joke: warships attacked ... by flying saucers.
Russian newspaer "FACTS "was  unable to locate and interview the witness of incredible events - 80 -year-old captain of the second rank, retired , a resident of Ternopol Yalyarashkovskim Constantine .

" We were getting closer, about a dozen unidentified aircraft"

With Constantine Yalyarashkovskim , lean, fit and quite cheerful elderly man I met in his apartment Ternopil .
- During World War II I, like all the boys wanted to get to the front, - says the source. - Even added " to myself two years and the beginning of 1945 finished accelerated courses for junior naval officers , signalers. However, in serious fighting I almost did not participate - the war ended. Command drew attention to my knowledge of languages ​​(thanks to the parents - teachers I spoke English, German and French) and sent me to the Allies - in coordination group at the main headquarters of the Naval Forces of the United States. At the end of 1946 with us Colonel Yuri Popovich, I had been involved in the squadron of Rear Admiral Richard Byrd, United States Navy.
Officially, we headed to the “research expedition “to Antarctica for the evaluation and exploration of its mineral resources. But what struck us in the squadron were: aircraft carrier combat aircraft ( fighters, bombers , attack aircraft and reconnaissance ) , destroyers, minesweepers , a couple of submarines , tankers , marines . Voyage was long, and we just left to languish with Yuri from boredom and idleness. Only in the evenings officers gathered in the wardroom carrier and recovered soul: playing cards, smoking, drinking, and talking. And, as we have seen, none of them also really understood why and where we are going.
Once the captain of the destroyer " Murdoch " Cyrus Lafargue , with whom we became friends over a glass mentioned that phrase overheard Admiral Richard Byrd that Argentina surrendered troops allied crews of two German submarines arrived from Antarctica. Our tipsy company immediately put forward the version with a laugh: they say, go look for Nazi base at the South Pole. Bullshit. Although there were many myths then. We talked about that escaped the Nazis built a huge city in South America, settled in ... space, live underground somewhere in the Alps.

In mid- January 1947 American squadron anchored in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica. On the white continent several times landed Marines. Then began research work: planes were aerial photography, geologists, cartographers and forecasters minding their own business.
- Most recently, on television showed a film about the attack on the squadron Byrd, but it is largely inaccurate, and some directors fantasy - shakes his head Konstantin Petrovich . – Attacke on us happened, if my memory serves me, on January 27. We stood on the bridge Yuri - talked, smoked. Then heard the cry of the observer: "Air! To starboard! “And immediately there was a signal to combat anxiety. We were getting closer, literally over the water (rather than emerges from it , as claimed television journalists !) About a dozen unidentified aircrafts. A few seconds later they were already over the squadron and started the attack!
"Drives" shot some red beams, which easily penetrated a thick vehicular armor "
- It was a strange disc-shaped machine with Nazi crosses on the side - continues the source. AND it through nearly two years after the victory over Germany!
​​and agility in devices were simply awesome! They shot some red rays. Maybe it was a prototype of the modern laser weapons? Rays can easily pierce a thick armor of the ship, with the enemy “wheels " unthinkable could dramatically change course , moving away from our hurricane fire anti-aircraft guns , and even hang over us ... ! From the deck of an aircraft carrier slowly climbed several F- 4 fighters, but in battle they did not have time to enter. Were immediately burned! The Americans tried to pick up a few more times in the air a couple more of fighters, but it was not successful.  Uri and myself delivered towards the heavy machine gun bullets. Front of our eyes, the red beam tore gunner hand and burned the deck. USS received significant damage, but then the enemy somehow “behind” us and suffered the full force of the attack on the destroyer “Murdock." Terrible picture - they literally burned it! Fire, explosions, screams, shooting, sailors began to lower the lifeboats ...
Incidentally, the film claimed that the alleged “wheels” was used in the battle some mental weapon - “sailors in pain clutching hands behind the head." Was not it! Just the roar of engines “saucers" over our heads was so powerful that it causes severe pain in the ears. I experienced something similar when taking off near modern jet combat aircraft.
The battle lasted for about ten minutes. Once the destroyer sank, “wheels ", without touching other ships, boats and lifeboats as quickly sped low over the water on the horizon.
- We were all just stunned occurred! - Says Konstantin Petrovich . - American losses amounted sunk by the destroyer “Murdoch ", about a dozen fighters and several hundred dead sailors. Wounded were even more. "Drives" damaged ships, especially our carrier. A couple of days we repaired in an emergency pace. At this time, significantly increased the number of observers, the surviving aircraft were continuously distant air reconnaissance, anti-aircraft guns around the clock were on duty. Fortunately, all was quiet.

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