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Sunday, February 12, 2012

How and why most of the illnesses can be cured with Hydrogen Peroxide.

The Many Benefits of Hydrogen Peroxide 


 “If you have wondered what Hydrogen Peroxide is good for, the list is long and includes many health benefits for our everyday well being. Many of the illnesses that hydrogen peroxide has proven to cure, as described by Dr. David Williams include, but are not limited to:

Allergies ,Headaches, Altitude Sickness, Herpes Simplex,Alzheimer's, Herpes Zoster,Anaemia, HIV, Infection,Arrhythmia, Influenza,Asthma, Insect Bites, Bacterial Infections, Liver Cirrhosis, Bronchitis, Lupus, Erythematosis, Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Candida Parasitic Infections, Cardiovascular Disease, Parkinson-ism, Cerebral Vascular Disease, Periodontal Disease, Chronic Pain, Prostates, Diabetes Type 11, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetic Gangrene, Shingles, Diabetic Retinopahty, SinusitisDigestion Problems, Sore Throat, Epstein-Barr Infection, Ulcers, Emphysema, Viral Infections, Food Allergies, Warts, Fungal Infections, Yeast Infections, Gingivitis.

So it is not a question of what is hydrogen peroxide good for. It is more like what hydrogen peroxide can’t be used for. The above list compiled by Dr. David Williams, names just some of the most important medical ailments that a good food grade hydrogen peroxide can help cure. Of course it is also recommended that you do not try any of these proven cures without first consulting your physician or health care practitioner.
Besides using Hydrogen Peroxide for specific health problems, it is also very useful as a general antiseptic for cleaning around your kitchen and bathroom. It is also a great alternative to using the deadly chlorine in your swimming pool. It is a very wise choice to start a hydrogen peroxide pool and a regular hydrogen peroxide bath will do wonders for your skin and general well being.”

“Newer research indicates we need hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of other chemical reactions that take place throughout the body. For example, we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. Also lactobacillus found in the colon and vagina produce hydrogen peroxide. This destroys harmful bacteria and viruses, preventing colon disease, vaginitis, bladder infections and a host of other common ailments. (Infect Dis News Aug.8, 91:5). When lactobacillus in the colon or vaginal tract have been overrun with harmful viruses, yeast, or bacteria, an effective douche or enema solution can be made using 3 tablespoons of 3% H202 in 1 quart of distilled water. Keep in mind, however, that a good bacterial flora must always be re-established in these areas to achieve lasting results.

Father Richard Wilhelm
We are just beginning to learn exactly how H202 works. It was reported to work as far back as 1920. The English medical journal, Lancet, then reported that intravenous infusion was used successfully to treat pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I. In the 1940's Father Richard Wilhelm, the pioneer in promoting peroxide use, reported on the compound being used extensively to treat everything from bacterial-related mental illness to skin disease and polio. Father Wilhelm is the founder of "Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide" (ECHO, a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the public on the safe use and therapeutic benefits of hydrogen peroxide.) Much of the interest in hydrogen peroxide waned in the 1940's when prescription medications came on the scene. Since that time there has been little economic interest in funding peroxide research. After all, it is dirt cheap and non-patentable. Even still, in the last 25 years, over 7,700 articles relating to hydrogen peroxide have been written in the standard medical journals. Thousands more, involving its therapeutic use, have appeared in alternative health publications. The number of conditions helped by hydrogen peroxide is astounding. The reported dangers and side effects are few and often conflicting. 

The following is only a partial listing of conditions in which H202 therapy has been used successfully. (Many of these conditions are serious, if not life-threatening. As always, I would highly recommend seeking the advice and guidance of a doctor experienced in the use of these techniques.) 
Allergies Headaches
Altitude Sickness Herpes Simplex
Alzheimer's Herpes Zoster
Anemia HIV Infection
Arrhythmia Influenza
Asthma Insect Bites
Bacterial Infections Liver Cirrhosis
Bronchitis Lupus Erythematosis
Cancer Multiple Sclerosis
Candida Parasitic Infections
Cardiovascular Disease Parkinsonism
Cerebral Vascular Disease Periodontal Disease
Chronic Pain Prostatitis
Diabetes Type 11 Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetic Gangrene Shingles
Diabetic Retinopahty Sinusitis
Digestion Problems Sore Throat
Epstein-Barr Infection Ulcers
Emphysema Viral Infections
Food Allergies Warts
Fungal Infections Yeast Infections

By Dr. David G. Williams”


"Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring, odorless and colorless liquid known chemically as H2O2, and by some health care professionals as "liquid oxygen."
The human body produces hydrogen peroxide in the immune system as the first line of defense against various micro-organisms that have invaded the body. H2O2 has been described in medical literature as a disinfectant, antiseptic, and oxidizer. The human body uses hydrogen peroxide in metabolizing fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates

Long History of Use

The first reported medical use of H2O2 was in the March 3, 1888 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. In this article a Dr. I. N. Love described his successes in treating with hydrogen peroxide a wide variety of diseases; too many to list here. The famous English medical journal Lancet reported that H2O2 was used successfully to treat pneumonia in the epidemic following World War I. In the last 25+ years more than 7,700 articles have been published in standard medical journals. Thousands more such articles have been published in alternative health journals.
When prescription medicines came on the scene in the 1940's medical interest in hydrogen peroxide lessened. This has continued since the treatment cannot be patented by the medical industry.
In the early 1960's, Baylor University Medical Center (Texas) conducted major studies in the medical uses of hydrogen peroxide. One of the things these researchers discovered was that H2O2 has an energizing effect on the heart. Specifically, they learned that myocardial ischemia, (lack of oxygen to the heart) was relieved by H2O2. The Baylor researchers found that plaque buildup in arteries was removed efficiently, and that the effect was long lasting.

Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide increases the flow of blood, and therefore enhances the distribution of oxygen you breathe into your body. Further, it helps the body consume and utilize available oxygen. H2O2 itself is able to deliver small amounts of oxygen to the blood and other systems. Scientific research has uncovered that our atmosphere was 35% oxygen just 200 years ago, and that today it is a mere 19%. To make matters worse, chlorination in drinking water decreases the oxygen in water. Excessive use of antibiotics destroys the beneficial oxygen-creating bacteria of the intestinal tract. It is therefore no wonder that many persons are not getting enough oxygen to their cells. In fact, asthma, emphysema and lung disease are on the rise.
H2O2 regulates cell membranes, hormones, blood sugar, the immune system and certain body chemicals needed to operate the nervous system and the brain. It helps the body produce estrogen, thyroid and energy. It stimulates an increase in metabolic rate and enzyme systems, and causes small arteries to dilate. It has been found by some researchers to oxidize sick, weakened and dying cells while simultaneously strengthening healthy cells.

Bad Guys Don't Like It

Anaerobic microbes are unable to live in an oxygen-rich environment. Because of this hydrogen peroxide is an effective anti-microbial agent that reduces or kills viruses, bacteria, pathogens, fungi, parasites, yeast, algae, and endospores in the body. Industry has used hydrogen peroxide to purify food containers for re- use, and it has even been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as a food additive in some foods.

Uses in Industry

Farmers use hydrogen peroxide to purify drinking water for farm animals. Water so treated also kills parasites in these animals' digestive systems. H2O2 is so powerful in killing bacteria and viruses that it is added to industrial and residential wastewater and sewage to make them safe enough to return the treated water to the natural environment.
The uses various individuals and industries have found for hydrogen peroxide are too numerous to name in this publication. But quite a few persons have chosen to experience H2O2 therapy because of their perception of the positive impact oxygen they believe it has on human organs and systems. The Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy offered at the Health and Longevity Center follows the wisdom and procedures that the best health care practitioners have determined as being optimal for providing a more oxygen-rich environment in the human body.”

 Also see  "Hydrogen Peroxide is a popular alternative cancer treatment. Many people use it. Care should be taken when using hydrogen peroxide as a cancer treatment. It can conflict with some other treatments. Do your research when considering alternative cancer treatments. "

Note: This information has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is generic and for general information purposes only, and is not meant to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any condition, illness, or disease. It is very important that you make no change in your health care plan or regimen without researching and discussing it in collaboration with your professional health care team. (Boris Vildbaum)

See my other Articles 
How and why most of the illnesses can be cured with Hydrogen Peroxide.

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