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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Command Your Body to remain Healthy
How with your brain you can regulate all life processes-health, career, relations mood, happiness and a lot more.   We should manage our brain commands to our body.   Middle East doctors say mind orders-body follows.

There are many thinks may help: meditation, yoga, exercises, music, good rest, good entertainment, interesting work, less of stress, love, sex and a lot more. 

“You can command your body to be healthy and it will do what you tell it to do. Sounds nuts, doesn't it? Yet that is exactly how I work on clients in my Specialized Kinesiology practice.
When you tell your body what to do you meet resistance. Knowing how to resolve that energetic resistance allows you to heal. Ah, but then your mind may kick in programs that cause you to revert to your previous unhealthy state. You must check for and clear all those subconscious blocks, the many avenues your body-mind will take to derail your wellness to get and stay well.
Surprised? Most people run programs to self-sabotage all healing efforts. That is one big reason an energy worker can assist their feeling better but the effects wind up being temporary. It is important for healthcare practitioners to know how to delete those self-sabotage programs AND install programs for wellness”.


    • 1
Eat a balanced diet. A diet deficient in any essential nutrient can make you feel less than your best. To ensure that you aren't missing out on anything that your body needs for optimal health, eat a balanced diet, following the standard food pyramid as closely as possible.
    • 2
Exercise regularly. Physical activity is of paramount importance when trying to ensure your health. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy, increasing the likelihood that you'll keep up with the initiative. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends, all adults should aim to get at least two-and-a-half hours of physical activity each week.
    • 3
Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is more than just an enjoyable rejuvenation period, it is also important for health. If you fail to get enough sleep, your immune system, metabolism and even your physical appearance could suffer. Plan your schedule so that you can get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night, the amount that adults require for optimal physical health, states the National Sleep Foundation.
    • 4
Wash your hands often. Hand-washing is the easiest, and most effective, way of preventing yourself from acquiring a preventable illness. Wash your hands each time you use the restroom, before you eat and any other time you suspect you may have come into contact with germs. When you don't have access to soap and water, use hand sanitizer as an easy alternative to traditional hand-washing.
    • 5
Engage in safe sex. Unprotected sex puts you at risk of acquiring a host of potentially incurable sexually transmitted diseases. Always practice safe sex, particularly when not in a monogamous relationship

Read more: How to Help Your Body Stay Healthy |

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Interview With Cancer Survivor-Why and How.

Important experience, facts, opinions and tips of the cancer survivor.

1.       What type of cancer did you have?
Prostate cancer

2.       How did you find out? I
We did PSA evaluation - (PSA is an enzyme produced by the prostate gland).  The level of PSA in the blood can be determined by a simple blood test.
Symptoms of prostatitis include difficulty urinating; urinary frequency or urgency; pain or burning during urination; or pain in the lower back or perineum, penis, scrotum and/or pubic region. Testing for prostatitis involves looking for signs of inflammation or infection in the fluid secreted by the prostate gland and in the urine.  However I had no symptoms.

3.       What did you think about that hard time?  How did you fell when you found out?
First I have thought that I can die.  Then I realized that situation is not that bad…….  I do have chance to survive, this type of cancer can be cured.

4.       What or who helped you to stay strong?
My family supported me very well, my father in particular and also my friends.  Thanks’ God I have a lot of friends.

5.       Share what your doctor told you?
My doctor explained me methods of treatment of this type of cancer.  He noticed that, we discovered problem on time and my chances to cure very high.  He required that I should to have 2 more opinions.

6.       Has having cancer jeopardized your career?
No, my coworkers have been very supportive, especially Boris.

7.       What types of treatment did you try?
I had surgery.

8.       How long did you stay in the hospital after your surgery?
They kept me in the hospital for 4 days. My doctor wanted to make sure-I’m fine-, before he lets me go home.

9.       What were your rehabilitation treatments?
Rest and kegel contractions exercises.

10.   How long?
For ever

11.   Are you cured completely?
I hope yes and I pray to the God.

12.   What are your side effects after all?
I still have some leakage of urine.  Doctor said that will get better by time.

13.   How do you fill now?
I’m OK, but not perfect.  My body needs a couple of years of recovery, to feel better.

14.   Why do you think you got a cancer?
I think that, it was my heredity. We have a family history of the cancer.

15.   Do you think that you had unhealthy life style; like wrong food, drinks, lack of exercises and other…?
Yes, that is too. 

16.   What is your life style like now?  What is changed?
I’m on a healthy diet, drinking only good quality water, herbal teas and exercising.

17.   Do you think that, the right diet and exercises important to prevent cancer?
Yes, they are very important.  All of the above may be case of not only cancer, but also a lot of other illnesses.
18.   Were you satisfied with the overall quality of health care?
Yes in my case, but generally no.  We still have difficulties in today’s medicine to treat serious illnesses.

19.   How do you think to prevent cancer, what would be your tips?
Start loving yourself. Eat healthy diet, lower sugar intake, drink good water and exercise.

20.   What advice would you give to anyone dealing with cancer now?
Get multiple opinions from different doctors. Explain your situation to your family and friends, you will need their support.  Meet with the cancer survivors. We are many around here. Ask your doctor all questions you would like to know.  Get educated about your problem.   Trust to that-YOU WILL BE CURED-. Today in 21st. century, in our country most cancers can be cured.