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Friday, January 20, 2012

Prunes, amazing benefits.

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Prunes are very useful.  It has benefits that other fruits do not have.
 -One of its greatest qualities is that eating it is the most effective way for preventive maintenance of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. -Prunes also contain  1.5 times more potassium than  bananas.  Potassium is necessary for a proper work of the kidneys.  
-Another benefit is that prunes are rich with antioxidants.  Antioxidants assist to increase immunity, as well as resist-ability of an organism.  -Prunes absorbs the free radicals destroying an organism.  It is an excellent preventive means for cancer  diseases.  
-Prunes are great for preventing progress of harmful bacteria.

This is not a full list of prunes’ benefits. These appetizing, gleaming and extraordinary fragrant sundries are capable to work wonders with our health and mood.   
According to the Department of medicine of the USA, based on long-term, large-scale researches of medical laboratory of the University of Iowa , for adequate functioning human organism, prevention of consequences of such negative factors it is necessary to use routinely for food a half a glass of prunes.
Useful properties of prunes are most brightly shown as an antioxidant.  

The same a half of a glass of prunes will present to organism of 20 % from necessary daily time norm of vitamin A. Betta-carotene - free Radicals liquidator, a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant, it prevents occurrence of thromboses, heart attacks and heart problems.  Free radicals in an organism are very dangerous, it makes variations in the DNA of a cell, and it attracts inevitable mutations and occurrence of cancer cells. During of clinical tests the rich material confirming has been collected useful properties of prunes for treatment and especially preventive maintenance of such heavy inflammatory diseases as asthma, osteoporosis and arthritis.
Prunes are rich with potassium.  Researchers have shown, that by eating prunes on a regular basis reduces risk of occurrence of heart attack in men over 50.

Useful properties of prunes are invaluable to normalization of a level of sugar in an organism.  Soluble fiber raises sensitivity to insulin and consequently can play a useful role in preventive maintenance and treatment

Everyone knows, that prunes causes feeling fast and pleasant saturation.  It’s used in many improving diets, assists easy in loss of weight.  

Dear reader, I would like to know your opinion about this fruit.  Please leave your comments and suggestions?

Remain healthy, with best regards!

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