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Sunday, January 15, 2012

How to burn fat from the hips: the best exercises

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    For many people fat on the hips is a great problem. I have a solution to this problem.  Here is what you are going to do:

  There is different way you can burn fat from the hips. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to pay special attention to lateral muscles of the stomach and hips. We will try different exercises below.

  Let's begin with the simplest exercise for the hips using a hoop. Yes-yes, an ordinary hoop. Important to twist no  less than 10 minutes a day. An excellent version instead of cookies when watching TV.

    Groups of muscles: slanting muscles of the stomach, muscles of the bottom part of the body and buttocks are involved in this exercise.

Techniques of performance:  For performance of this exercise sit down on a fitness ball.  Hold your back straight.  Shoulders are lowered and allocated back.  Legs on the floor.  Then start to roll the ball to the right and to the left.  Your body should remain motionless.  Track  that, you did not bend neither forward, nor back.  At proper performance you will feel, how slanting muscles of the stomach work.  Do about 6 to 15 repetitions for each side

Slopes aside
Techniques of performance: Kneel next to the fitness ball, so that it is positioned to the right of you. Put the left leg forward and bend your knee. Put the right-hand on the ball, and the left behind your head. As a result your body should be inclined to the right, and your hips are motionless. Now start to carry out slopes to the left in a vertical position. So your hips do not move.  Do about 6  to 15 repetitions for each side.

Raising your legs
Techniques of performance: Lay down on the right side to the fitness ball. Put your right hand on the floor, legs straight  and you should lean on an external side of the right foot. Start to lift the left leg upwards. Then come back in a starting position. Do about 6  to 15 repetitions for each side.

Techniques of performance: Lay down on the floor, bend legs in the knees and put them on the ball. Start to roll ball clockwise.

Techniques of performance: lay down on the floor. Hands behind your head, legs are bent in the knees and lifted. We touch the right elbow to the left knee and on the contrary. So it is necessary to make from 20  to 30 times.

 Lateral rises
Lay down on the right side and make sure your head is straight. Develop shoulders so that you could see the ceiling.  Start to do rises. Make 15 times from each side.
This exercise can be altered, and the second will turn out. Lay down on the right side. The right-hand in front of you, left hand behind the head. At the same time lift legs and do a slope with your body to the left so that a certain similarity of a horseshoe has turned out. 10 times from each side.

  Do not forget to warm up before you start any exercises.
There is also a list of food that can help you to reduce fat from your body: whole eggs, fish oil, wild Salmon, berries, yogurt, flax seeds, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, mixed nuts, red meat, broccoli, spinach, turkey, quinoa, tomatoes, oranges, apples, carrots, water, Green Tea.

Putting it All Together: perform your exercises regularly, eat the correct food, drink good water and most importantly love yourself.

see other web sites for this information:

Best regards Boris Vildbaum

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