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Sunday, July 19, 2015

The most popular and useful tool for gastritis is olive oil

Oil for gastritis
Gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is suffering quite a large number of people. This common disease can occur in an acute form, which manifests itself suddenly, or have a slow chronic development.
The cause of this disease is usually lack of a normal diet. Often gastritis traps lovers of drink, hard-core smokers. Affected inflammatory process of the stomach people who do not receive adequately the necessary vitamins. But perhaps one of the main causes of gastritis is an adverse psychological atmosphere in which there is a person. No wonder they say that the disease was not so much what you eat and what you eat. In many ways, the development of the disease contributes to antibiotic treatment. Antibacterials kill the microflora of the stomach. As a result of disrupted digestive organs.To prevent the occurrence of gastritis is necessary after taking antibiotics drink a course of probiotics, restoring normal stomach function.
Gastritis is very harmful to the stomach is too hot or spicy foods, burning spices, food dry rations. But in order to prevent the development of disease, the stomach can be protected. Significant assistance has oil gastritis, which greatly facilitates the condition of the person suffering from this disease. Oil covers the surface of a thin film inflamed gastric mucosa. The variety of the options allows individual selection of the long-suffering stomach remedies.
Every person affected by this disease, knows that in acute treatment must necessarily be complex.Unfortunately, without the use of drugs is almost impossible to do. This approach makes it possible to reduce gastric acidity and affect the bacteria that cause gastritis. However, you can not cast aside the time-tested traditional medicine. The oil has anti-bacterial gastritis, tanning, enveloping, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. Naturally, substantial assistance to the stomach could have only vegetable oil.
The most popular and useful tool for gastritis is olive oil, which coats the stomach, significantly eliminates the pain, respectively, speeds recovery. It is best to use in this disease-quality olive oil, which take a tablespoon three times a day, approximately 30 minutes before the main meal.
It is inappropriate to diminish the effectiveness of sea buckthorn oil , which is rightfully occupies a special position in the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, as well as other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis sea buckthorn oil taken within a month on a teaspoon 3 - 4 times a day for about a quarter of an hour before the main meal. It is well known that the characteristic symptoms of gastritis usually occur in autumn and spring. People who use this method of complex treatment, it should be noted that it is the first time there may be some worsening of the disease in the future alternating with rapid improvement of health. In most cases, doctors gastroenterologists confirm that the extraordinary healing properties of sea buckthorn or exceed the latest drug development.
It can be used to treat gastritis hypericum oil. In this case, for the preparation of national funds need 25 grams of herb St. John's wort, which was triturated and pour half a liter of olive oil. The mixed composition is poured into a clear glass jar and then pushing the treating agent for 5 days, stirring occasionally. Further, the bank needs to set the sun, waiting for oil will become bright red. This process takes about six weeks. For ease pain finished oil consumed into a teaspoon twice a day.
Ways People's treatment of gastritis with a lot of oil. Most effectively assist lavender, mint, linseed oil.The choice is yours!

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