Potatoes against blood pressure
Potatoes are recognized as the richest source of vitamins. In the new study, British experts have found that the potato has a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and more beneficial organisms than recommended by nutritionists beets, broccoli, bananas, nuts and avocados, media reported. Experts called potatoes cheapest and useful dietary product. They recommend eating vegetables twice a day, which helps to normalize blood pressure and does not lead to weight gain. Jacket potato contains fiber is five times more than the average banana, and three times more vitamin C than an avocado. Also, scientists have found that potatoes contain more selenium than seeds and nuts. In fact, the potato contains many important elements for the human body. You can abandon the various vitamin complexes, if you use this vegetable in your daily diet, as it can provide the body with sufficient micronutrients.
Salo controls cholesterol
German scientists recommend cores eat a thin slice of fat per day. But no more! Scientists have proven that this product removes toxins. "This is a solid cholesterol" - until recently disowned mouthwatering Shmatov nutritionists. And proven wrong. A group of German scientists from the University of Munich (Germans also know a lot about fat!) investigated the composition of the product with the help of modern technology.And it turned out that lard contains arachidonic acid. And it relates to a useful omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids (approximately known as Omega-3 marine fish). Arachidonic acid is a constituent of cell membranes, a portion of the heart muscle enzymes. And even involved in lipid metabolism! Ie controls the formation of "good" and "bad" cholesterol. German scientists have even advised to include 20-30 grams of fat daily diet for heart patients. There is another feature of this simple product - it does not accumulate radionuclides. Nevertheless, doctors do not recommend buying the fat in places not proven - there is a risk of contracting trichinosis (infection that attacks the kidneys and nervous system) as well as from low-quality pork. Salo in folk medicine In folk medicine, the fat has long been not listed replaceable means for the treatment of diseased joints. Retseptik good - if the country pulled back, or great hurt his knee, and painkillers do not, then strapped to the sore spot scarf cold salty slice of bacon. Gruel of lard with garlic can be as an emergency means to attach to a sore tooth. This will help draw the pus and inflammation will develop further. And often regale salsa can advise those who work in hazardous work or live in polluted areas. It is proven Canadian toxicologists of Toronto medical college, helps to eliminate toxic substances from the human body.
Lemon against cancer
But this is the last word in medicine and effective treatment for cancer! Lemon (Citrus) is an awesome product that can kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy! Why do not we know about this? Because there are laboratories interested in creating a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need, bringing to his / her information that lemon juice can prevent disease. Think about how many people can be saved, opened this secret is kept for so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations to fight cancer. Different variants use lemon. You can eat the pulp, juice, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc. ..Lemon attributed many virtues, but the most interesting is the impact that it has on cysts and tumors. He is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. It is believed that it is very harmful for all types of cancer. Also, it is regarded as the anti-microbial element against bacterial infections and fungi, parasites and worms. Furthermore lemon regulates blood pressure lowering high. More lemon works as an antidepressant, reducing stress and nervous disorders. This information is passed more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970 and showed the following results:
- Lemon destroys malignant cells in 12 cancers, including cancer of the breast, prostate, pancreas ...
- Ingredients lemon tree showed 10,000 times better results than the product Adriamycin - a drug that is commonly used in chemotherapeutic world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. A even more surprisingly, this type of therapy with lemon only destroys malignant cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.
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