Sunday, April 27, 2014
What is more useful and better - vegetables or fruit?
Hand washing or removing fatigue without a cup of coffee
One hand washes
or as the middle of the day, suddenly, feel good mood and alertness, without resorting to a cup of coffee
It is enough to wash your hands, as always, before dinner! Is it really so simple? Yes, but you should change the water temperature at least 4 times. Years ago I worked for a massage therapist and this simple admission master taught me massage from Sweden. Do masseur is known not easy work. And had to take 15 people a day. Naturally, accumulated fatigue, which is difficult to fight in close cabinet. Experience Swedish colleagues was, as it is impossible, by the way. Usually by 16 o'clock in the afternoon, after the 8th patient, hands dropped themselves as whip. A trunk legs automatically hauled directly to the sink. I look at the mercy of the jet. First, warm water lapped pleasantly caressed brush, then cool them refreshing. Razik More, more, more. Enough. Well, now is different!Where are the fatigue and apathy? Machine lifted the mood! Want to smile the next client and work on! Since then this is a good habit ingrained in my life.Almost 48% of all nerve endings lead to the palms!
One day he came in from the cold, I ran warm numb fingers. Put his claws into the sink and began, as usual, change the water temperature. After 5 such shifts - felt out of nowhere, a wonderful feeling of pleasant tingling in his hands. Three minutes later, my brain started to literally move and I instantly remembered what tormented me all last night. Hundred-ruble bill received from the client, as payment for the entire course, I zanykal in the box from under the essential oils. Later, reflecting on this insight, I came to the conclusion that there is nothing surprising in this, because palm has a huge representation in the cerebral cortex. Almost 48% of all nerve endings lead to the palms!so happened historically that primitive man evolved, so to speak, through the hands. First touched, stroked unfamiliar object, finally took him in hand, and only then carried it to his eyes, examined or sniff it. Hands shoveled earth, fingers groping roots for food, warmed, scratched my head, but who knows what else had to do with his hands. Thus, the active points on the hands had a disproportionately greater representation in the brain than the same point on the other parts of the body, except, perhaps, the active points on the feet. Primitive people, as you know, at first to do without shoes, so stop every minute contact with the ground or water. But then came the stone age, the age of the fire, and in the palm of brain stimulation intercepts championship! Already knew how to extract the Neanderthal fire stone, turning in his hands rolling pin, an infinite number of times, thereby massaging her hands.Palm to warm to a decent temperature (he tried), and the fire was not all! This massage can last more than a day, savages succeeded each other. Hot hands fell to cool in cold water for a few minutes, then it was repeated again.Such contrasting effects led to the fact that primitive - hurt a lot less and were much gets us - current. What prevents us and with you daily repeat this invaluable experience? I have long since doing and energizes not on batteries "Dyuratsell" and from contrasting water. Check to start it myself. And every time when you need to cheer up, not directed to the coffee bar, and a washstand! Vanity - he's part-time and wash! So wash your face at the same time, of course, if the water quality allows. The effect, of course, will be doubled.Simple hand washing
Simple hand washing - a very powerful healing tool, a real natural drug, lightning, which does not hurt, and illuminates our brain at any time. If after use by drying and then, contrary to the protocol again dip net pens in cold water and dry them by shaking, and the water in the skin by rubbing without towels - can feel euphoric. Hindus, by the way, before preparing food and before the wash not only his hands, but his feet! But, this is gourmet! Our hand - not only a repository of active points, and whole cores. Take, for example, muscular space between thumb and forefinger. This so-called snuff. All the space near it refers to an area of high reflex activity. It thrives fine point Hye-gu. In Chinese, it means "the gates of heaven," and in the Little Russian - means "all Garazd." Englishman would say everything is OK! And, indeed, in all of Eastern medicine a long time ago Ok! understanding of the connection with body and soul, and the official doctors still can not take an expert in why if a good massage every morning this point, all day then a good mood and no fatigue. For men, it is necessary to perform clockwise for women - against.This can be done by going to and from work, sitting, standing, lying down, and even on the run, as I'm doing it while jogging. You can massage the fingers, knuckle for knuckle. This so-called kinesthesia fingers. Also an excellent tool for putting in order of thoughts and feelings. You can tap the top of the table with fingertips, remembering that their tips are "wonderful point." If we Chinese are so named, they are really wonderful, as miraculously affect the activity of almost all the internal organs and the brain. You can consciously often interbreed fingers, rubbing, so their lateral zones, you can just rub the palm more often than usual, at the same time anticipating a good mood. I would not advise to leave alone your hands and fingers throughout the workday. Let it go into a good habit! And do not forget that all brilliant - easy! If you can not during the day to take a contrast shower, arrange for a simple washing of hands! Effect - the same! About the middle of your brilliant mood of the day no one but you never know! Nobody will give you. One hand washes!
Dr. Ram Panasevich Svirsky.
Head of the Centre of Alternative Medicine and Dietetics " CHESTNU
Wonders of traditional medicine: Lemon, potatoes and bacon
Potatoes against blood pressure
Salo controls cholesterol
Lemon against cancer
- Lemon destroys malignant cells in 12 cancers, including cancer of the breast, prostate, pancreas ...
- Ingredients lemon tree showed 10,000 times better results than the product Adriamycin - a drug that is commonly used in chemotherapeutic world, slowing the growth of cancer cells. A even more surprisingly, this type of therapy with lemon only destroys malignant cancer cells without affecting healthy cells.
Institute of Medical Sciences, 819 N. LLK Goats Street, Baltimore, MD1201 information sent by email. Authenticity can not be verified.
Live forever - Ten recipes of immortality
Leading British gerontologist predicts humanity millennial lifespan and argues that the person who will live to a thousand years old, had been born - Professor Aubrey de Grey is already preparing for physical immortality Daily of old age in the world die 100,000 people. It would seem that it is a natural phenomenon, inherent in the nature of man, and the death of old age as inevitable as the changing seasons. However, recent theoretical developments of one of the UK's leading gerontologists, Professor Aubrey de Grey of Cambridge University, says that humanity is on its way to immortality. According to him, the state of microbiological science now is that after 30 - 40 years it will be able to guarantee the millennial lifespan. "Even now, - says the British gerontologist - we have a real possibility of extending life for many hundreds of years, and such experiments are already on animals. After five years, they will begin to spend on a person, and about 2030 aging body will be put barrier. " Professor de Grey believes that the first person who will live to 1,000 years old, had been born. many gerontologists, including Aubrey de Grey, argue that in humans there are no genetic program involving the aging and death. The aging process, they say, only a part of the cellular changes that accumulate and lead to death. But we live in the era of the microbiological revolution. Professor de Grey believes that the process of cell mutations can be stopped using the latest biotechnology developments capable of regularly, every 10 - 15 years, update and translate the human body's biological clock arrows at the beginning of their frame of reference. Thus, in the future people will be able to regularly update their physical condition. How did the scientists are going to beat the old age ? Experiments on mice have shown, and the mouse genome as close to human, it can be done with the help of blocking cell division and the removal of it unnecessary and harmful inclusions. Lost cells, for example, as a result of Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's will be replaced with new ones that will prevent mutation of chromosomes. With the help of stem cell therapy will be updated human organs. Such experiments are underway in the clinical setting. In an interview with "sparks" Professor de Grey predicts millennial reality of human life.
Is there a therapy now capable of defeating aging?
- The most important aspect of this therapy does not yet exist. Biologists have not yet learned to purify cells from the end is in them "garbage" to prevent aging. We need to develop a very sophisticated end-stem cell and gene therapy to solve this problem. Some of the things that we need to do, have already been developed and is undergoing clinical trials. But most of the necessary we get about 10 years later in laboratory versions. And after 30 years - 40 or a little later, these methods will be applied in practice.Whether it will lead to the fact that, as you say, people can live up to 1,000 years old?
- It is very likely that people born today can live up to 1,000 years. It is possible that some of the current middle-aged people will also be able to live up to these years. Someone using existing medications, now live to 100 years. It is known that the age of about 300 people living on Earth has passed for 110 years. This means that people who are now 60 years old, can live for another 50 years, even without any medical intervention. Intellectual and physical state of the current 70-year-olds in Europe can be compared with the 50-year-old people of the XIX century. Already developed medicines, regular intake of which is able to extend the human life of 20 - 30 years. In 25 years, those who are now 60, reached 85 years of age. They will remain in the left approximately 25 years of life. And they will be healthy enough to enjoy the fruits developed by the time of therapy, anti-aging. I'm sure they will in 25 years - 30. Development of microbiological science will outpace the aging of these people, and they will be able to use all its new and new developments, prolonging its life. This process can last for centuries. That is my theory of "high-speed escape from death."Will people that 200 or 300 years, they have children?
- Yes, they can. I am sure we will be able to update the female ovaries, allowing them no different from those of younger women. As you may know, with age, after menopause, bone loss in women are more brittle. This occurs mainly due to hormonal changes in the body. So the easiest way to stop this process and restore elasticity to the level of bone younger would update the ovaries. This will restore the ability to bear children. Cloned human organs transplantation has now become a reality.What can people who nowadays tend to prolong your life?
- While I can only advise to follow the advice that he gave his mother. It would be trite to repeat them: do not drink, do not smoke, keep your feet warm, and the like.- What, in your opinion, will change life on Earth as a result of almost indefinite extension of human life?
- The main difference is the absence of the sick and elderly, because young people will be lifelong. This will lead to big changes in society. Primarily to economic changes, because to maintain patients' lives over the years is worth a lot of money, as we are doing now. In addition, the radical change in the structure of the family: for example, you can go to the disco with her great-great-great-great-grandchildren. Change the pension system. People will retire, but they will not do it forever. Hardly a man with a virtually infinite age want to enjoy the prospect of doing nothing more than 20 - 30 years. Most likely, after retraining or getting a new education he wants to realize himself in the next 30 - 40 years in a completely new quality. Will be a kind of regular human intelligent recharging batteries.
But do not give rise to Everlasting Life set new negative demographic and social problems? Overpopulation, for example.You can in fact get tired and just live. Difficult to predict at this tremendous growth and suicide ...
- It is possible that these problems will accompany the progress of microbiology. However, their decision is not within the competence of biologists and gerontologists. Our task - to give humanity a chance to defeat death. In the end, nobody force will not make available the benefits of new possibilities of science. People will be able to choose the limits of his existence. However, if we do not create the possibility of extending life for fear of problems you listed, then deprive humanity right choice. In addition, learning to regulate lifespan, we will have to learn to adjust and fertility. I am sure that mortality and fertility will not be difficult to balance, to mitigate overcrowding. It is possible that some of the human community will want to stay within the current life expectancy and have many children. Others may even renounce childbearing. This is also a matter of taste and free choice. Earth can prevent overpopulation and successes astronautics. You may have heard about the American lunar exploration plans in the coming years? I am sure that the moon follow planets in our solar system. Before people living infinitely open endless galaxy.In Russia, the death rate exceeds the birth rate. Improving the demographic situation became a national priority. How, in your opinion, it would be rational to solve this problem?
- I think that the demographic imbalance in Russia is caused not only by low fertility. It directly affects low life expectancy and high mortality rate, which is primarily caused by social factors: lifestyle, drinking and daily violence.It would be naive to think that increasing the birth rate will solve these problems. On the place of the Russian government, I would not so much to encourage greater fertility, softened manners and how to solve social problems.By the way, in some countries the decline in the population is higher than in Russia, and life expectancy is even lower. The reason for this is not in low fertility. The main reasons - the spread of disease and the lowest level of health. Unlikely to exit from this imbalance may become large families. Indeed, by the time the children grow up, their life expectancy can be reduced even more.Professor de Grey, let a personal question: do you intend to do to take this opportunity millennial life?
- Of course, I would like to live for a long life. Frankly, I do not know how long I want to live. But most importantly, in my opinion, I do not even want to know. Ignorance on this score - a pledge of the fullness of life. Besides, I'm sure, I live to see it, say, 150 years, I will look at life differently now. Developmental psychology is a big difference in a person. I think that we'll solve this problem when perestuplyu centenary threshold.Ten recipes of IMMORTALITY
In modern biology today there are more than 300 hypotheses about the processes of aging and death. More theories scientists have invented to achieve rejuvenation. Here are just some of themNO HORMONES
In 1905, the British physiologist Ernest Starling allocated testosterone, which he called "the hormone of eternal youth." No rejuvenation has not occurred, but scientists continue to search for hormones secrets of eternal life.STARVE
Paul Bragg, author of the popular in the 20s theory of fasting, believed that life extension contributes only periodic complete refusal of food. Author of the theory at the age of 95 years died while surfing.Transplanted testicles
Dr. Sergei Voronov, the prototype of Bulgakov's Transfiguration professor, 20 years of the twentieth century transplanted testes and testicles monkeys to their patients, eager to rejuvenate.GROUNDED
Aircraft designer and author of the book "Active Aging" Academy of Sciences of the USSR Alexander Mikulin believed that all the ills - from static electricity, so at work and during sleep special grounded metal parts. Lived up to 90 years.Crouch one's back
Famous Soviet Academician Nikolai Amosov believed to rejuvenate your body and life extension is necessary to develop flexibility of the spine by special simulators. Academician himself died on the 90-year life.Eat vegetables
Porfiry Ivanov, self-taught scientist and author of the popular 70s hardening theory "Baby", recommended to everyone to go barefoot, swim in the hole and eat only vegetables. Preached vegetarianism. Died at the age of 85.EXTEND telomere
Sc.D. Alexei Olovnikov suggested that regulate lifespan end portions of chromosomes - the telomeres, which are shortened with each cell division. If you figure out how to prevent this, you can extend life indefinitely long time.KILL THE RADICAL
Academician Vladimir Skulachev believes that responsible for the aging process so-called free radicals that cause damage to DNA in cells. Scientist working on the creation of the drug antioxidant ScQ, which could neutralize these same radicals.Clone himself
Professor Stephen Mindzher of King's College London believe that cloning only give man immortality, because very soon will be possible to separate industrial cloning of human organs to replace worn "originals."
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