A few minutes of vigorous fuss pacify headaches , relieve fatigue and bad moods . And if it's fun to make regular and add to it the systematic use of fruits, vegetables and oily saltwater fish , you can achieve a full recovery of the body . Immunity strengthened so that it can not break , no infection . Back off heart disease , osteoporosis and cancer. So fans of sex rightfully get a few extra years of life.
Sex treat heart attacks , cancer and colds (http://kp.ru/daily/23268/28528)
An interesting study recently completed specialists at Queen's University in Belfast. They traced the dependence of the overall health of the regularity of sex. The researchers analyzed data on deaths among the approximately 1,000 middle-aged men over the decade . It was found that among men who have had the most orgasms , death rates were half lower than in those who did not have sex at all . High sexual activity reduces the risk of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
But scientists Wilkes University in Pennsylvania ( United States ) have established that people who regularly engage in sex , the amount of antibody called " immunoglobulin A" , which strengthen the immune system, 30 per cent higher than that of abstaining . So, first get sick less , including colds .
- Is it true that love joy analgin relieve pain better ?
- Without a doubt - pure chemistry . Before orgasm, levels of the hormone oxytocin increases by five times compared to the norm . Brain injects it into the blood . As a result, the hormone regulates body temperature , blood pressure, dulling the pain. It was still in the 1970s found Dr. Beverly Whipple - the one that opened in women previously unknown vaginal erogenous zone , the so-called G-spot ( point G).
- A wound sex hour is not addictive ?
- Do not laugh ! Swedish scientists have recently discovered that sex and in fact affects the healing of wounds. And again with the help of oxytocin . Laboratory mice injuring first leg , and then an injection of the hormone as a substitute for sexual arousal . As a result of wounds on their bodies heal twice as fast than normal.
Need to shout at each other
- Why do the French call an orgasm " little death " ?
- Because it helps to delay the present . Orgasm causes such convulsive movements , in which clears all stagnant body cavity . For example, to destroy pathogens that cause inflammation in the most hazardous areas of the body - " pockets " of the uterus, where they accumulate .
- According to statistics, a third of Russian women do not reach orgasm. So they do not get enough of the drink 's health ?
- Yes, but they can partially make up for the loss of actively moving and screaming . Spasmodic contraction of the glottis and bronchi gives a powerful healing effect : during the act of screaming women rarely suffer from chronic lung diseases - bronchitis and pneumonia . Therefore, during the act the more you shout , the better.
But we must not forget the fact that the organisms of people just need hugs and affection - it is a biological necessity. Our senses are more than five million mechanoreceptors - tactile cells , which is densely dotted with skin , especially the lips and fingertips . When stroking and pressing on the skin changes occur at the biochemical level. Impulses from the skin receptors act in the cerebral cortex , then - in the hypothalamus, and that already stimulates the production of specific hormones, prolactin , overwhelming aggression , and endorphins , relieving stress. So love each other dearly !
Urology Health Center of Moscow Alexei Zvyagino :
- There is a correlation between the frequency of ejaculation and cancer of the prostate. Parameters are as follows: for the production of semen prostate and seminal vesicles are removed from the blood , substances such as zinc, citric acid , potassium, and then their concentration increases up to 600 times . Carcinogens present in the blood too concentrated . Instead of keeping these concentrated carcinogens in the body , it is best to remove them . And you can do it through sex .
The Gerontologist , MD Vladimir Drobinov :
- At the last gerontology conference in London announced the results of research: men who have regular sex , have the potential to become centenarians . The objects of the study were 918 men aged 45 to 59 years. In turn, they were divided into 3 groups according to the regularity and frequency of sex. First - those who are engaged in this process two or more times a week , the second - from 3 to 5 times a month, and a group of " outsiders" who indulge in amorous pleasures at least once a month. After 10 years, British scientists have found that the mortality rate among the " outsiders" twice higher than that of the most active members of the male sex. The members of the intermediate group were dying 1.6 times more often than the "activists" .
CANCER (http://www.speleomed.ru/php/content.php?id=1205)
Studies also show that men who ejaculate semen more than 5 times a week, a much lower risk of prostate cancer. It is assumed that leaches from ejaculation prostate any carcinogens.
Scientists from Greece claim that orgasm protects against breast cancer. They surveyed patients and healthy men (men with breast cancer is also common, although less frequently than in women) and found that those who experienced a month less than six orgasms , cancer occurs much more frequently. It is associated with androgen levels .
How many times a month should be treated sex ?
20 - 25 - 4 times per week
25 - 30 - 3 times
30 - 40 - two
40 - 50 - one
50 - 60 - once in 2 weeks
60 and above - every three weeks
These are minimum standards , but should strive not to the quantity and quality .
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