Alien ships in the sky Earth
Argued that unidentified and therefore unknown, flying objects (UFOs) flying, or more precisely move, in defiance of the laws of physics, at least - terrestrial physics.
And this opinion has an explicit focus on what time it is / UFO / alien - the incomprehensible, and there is nothing to break my head, they say, not by Senka cap, and for some reason this view is clearly supported from above!
..... Part One ....
Grounds at first sight for this opinion utterly serious: - Fly the UFO at a rate that we never dreamed of, at this speed maneuvers that are impossible for any earthly material, let me remind you - stop momentarily on a monstrous speed, abrupt change of course on any up to the contrary, the same set of instantaneous velocity - UFO simply demonstrate their clear disobedience to the laws of terrestrial physics, in particular - INERTIA!
Any terrestrial device, no matter how modern it was not perfect and can not perform such maneuvers at that speed - it just destroys INERTIA! UFOs can! These alleged extraterrestrial objects show qualities that maddening our scientists, they are just showing off its capabilities, sticking them to the place and out of place!
Who may be, the question - why do they do it? No state would do this without extreme need, taking care of maintaining the secrecy of the unit.
Option One : Those who run the UFO intelligence is so low estimate of people that believe that people are just not able to build their theoretical justification even impossible maneuvers!
Option Two : - UFO trying to tell us, the people, they demonstratively show us what can be achieved if we try to think in the right direction! And accordingly, in a direction to conduct research.
Option Three : - Such studies by some supranational structures have long held, and now we are shown the results of these studies, and the implications of these demonstrations, they simply are not interested. / See the first version / By the way, this is a very over the earth.
All of these options have the right to be a justification for possible / impossible / existence, anyone can pick up himself.
Putting forward a version that is logical and consistent with the laws of neither logic nor physics.
And on the basis of this logic, it is possible to explain the mechanism of movement of UFOs with just a high school physics course that I try to do, in the form of version.
What is important in the movements of a UFO? - Is inertia, which clearly does not work against the unidentified objects, and on them. How do they / UFO / could this be achieved? Let us think, worrying about what would these arguments were, at least, logical, and not contrary to terrestrial physics, advance reservation - I do not claim to ultimate truth.
What is inertia? - The energy of motion. There is a movement of a material object - has inertia - energy, help or hinder movement. No motion - inertia disappears. That is, any material body has a mass, and any mass has inertia.
Hence it can be concluded about crazy - all matter has inertia / energy dormant / - live, and matter, which has mass, but not having the self-energy / inertia / - dead, and can behave as he wants, without regard for the laws of physics alive .
For an earth / proverbial / science and technology, is unshakable following postulate: - appears first movement - then there is inertia. And nothing else! UFO for this step for a long time passed and rejected as interfering with the movement and management of a material object / weight /.
For unidentified objects right next position - first appears inertia, and only then move!They operate inertia, as we operate a light bulb in the kitchen.
UFO movement itself demonstration shows that they hold inertia is not a theory, but a well-used practice. How they achieved this? Now let's fantasize, or speaking in a scientific way, put forward the theory.
It is known that any material object, be it a piece of lead, steel, wood, or a cloud, composed of molecules. And these molecules / if more than one / interact with each other, pulling and pushing each other at the same time, trying to keep the predetermined distance between a / as diplomats at the reception /. That is, each molecule has many divergent fields.
If you give this material object movement on the part / kick it, or shoot them, no matter / the following will occur: - those molecules whose fields coincide with the rate of dowry movement, begin to move in a given direction / why not, if along the way? / towing along, those molecules whose fields do not coincide with the course of motion, since all the molecules are bonded to each other. As a result, the entire object is in motion / stone, a car bomb /.
But! Saving an object can only be provided if it does not exceed the limit speed for yourself. After speeding, those molecules, vectors of the fields that have the same rate of motion, / why not, if the path /, continue to move in splendid isolation, and mismatched molecules / attracting field which broke speed / fly away, the result - a material object collapsed! Description of the process greatly simplified, but the principle is respected.
All because some molecules field did not match with the rate of movement. The conclusion is simple - to make sure that all fields molecules always coincide with the rate of movement of the dowry.
Remember school experience with magnet and iron filings? Cost impact on iron filings magnet as scattered, disoriented in space metal particles are directed in a strictly predetermined direction, and instantly, without much acceleration and persuasion! Most importantly - without imparting movement on the part!
Can conclude the following: - the inventors found a UFO magnet that instantly builds a field of all the molecules in a strictly specified direction.
Simply put, the creators of UFO found a way to influence the field chaotically moving molecules of a material object so that the fields of all the molecules begin to move instantly in any given direction, with almost any speed / light up / without experiencing any inertial overloads even with a sharp change of course as overload simply have nowhere to take, because the molecules that do not coincide with the course of a given motion, just no!
But that's not all! A material object needs no engine, no fuel for this engine, unlike our modern missiles, which are adapted to the space behind the pedestrian for the conquest of the Pacific Ocean.
Imagine a material object / space ship /, the body itself is, and all its contents / passengers, equipment / engine is. After all, any material object and its content is composed of molecules that can be controlled and directed to any given direction, with any selected speed!
If you can not imagine or represent with great difficulty, then look at the UFO. All of our fantastic theory works for them virtually! Based on the above parameters, fantastic for academics, but very real to UFOs, we can derive the following specifications UFO -
speed - up to the light, range - limited supply of livelihood / food, breath / Wednesday, available to go - space, atmospheric, water, and maybe - hard, soil, mountains, etc., and why not, after all mountains also consist of molecules that can be controlled! Dimensions - any reasonable.
Almost all reports, meticulously fixing. UFOs, there is one important detail - at a set rate UFO overcomes supersonic barrier, no ... - mandatory in such cases, the sound of cotton! Silently! You can of course, again blamed on an extraterrestrial civilization that knows this law terrestrial physics, but most likely, it's much easier to operate UFO molecules contacting environment, as well as their own!
That is, the molecules of the medium by touching the body of the UFO, begin to move with the same speed as the UFO moves continuously rotiruyas / changing /. This gives them the above noiseless run, no inversion and other traces, and most importantly - reduction of friction to a minimum!
The next step, which will make the creators of UFO / or have already done / - is to find an opportunity to operate fields ATOMS quanta and the list goes on, that will give the opportunity to master light and superluminal speed which can seamlessly reach other galaxies, not just dull crawl on its own solar system, imagining himself at the forefront of progress!
Conclusion: - at least, can and should conduct research in this area, after which quite possible the creation of such equipment, which from a modern point of view, seem absolute fantasy!
Attention! Then you can not read - political fiction.
The second part - is derived from the first, which many seem farfetched, explain why they are correct, will take up much more space than this entire article, you simply are not afraid to see the facts are what they are. Absolute majority consider it easier ordinary rubbish.
,, Stones from the sky did not fall - the axiom of French scientists.
Why such studies have been carried out? Because artificially inhibited and artfully! Or carried out in secret from mankind. Who? - Those who benefits from it! Who benefits?Let's think.
Most advantageous to allow / inhibit such studies, the forces / structures / who own or control hydrocarbon reserves. Through the sale of such raw materials, these forces first: - Have and constantly improve their own welfare, and secondly - almost absolute power, which even odious tyrants would envy! Power - a drug before you even heroin - powder cough!
Why do they need other galaxies, and their well fed here! Therefore, such studies are inhibited and prohibited! Who will cut the branch on which it sits! If such research issue of control, whom they / / Force will be needed? Conclusion - under the present system of power / pseudo / such studies are impossible!
No wonder the Soviet Union, which conducted similar research / uncontrolled only their state / country was stung by a poisonous democracy and destroyed with such cynicism!
He really was a real threat to their power, from which it was necessary to get rid of as soon as possible, and owning the world / coal, gas, oil / - get rid! What's next? Sooner or later / sooner / earth's resources run out, and life on earth would be impossible.Unlikely to control human civilization do not understand it if they were able to take over the world, it is difficult to assume that there sit incompetent comrades. They plan for centuries to come.
From this fact, we can conclude the duration of their life - it is far from the average! And all the necessary studies have long held by them and the results they will never be brought to the general public - disturbances of the revolution, who cares? /
Results will be used only they - who own the world! That is why the version that the UFO is a technique pseudo - alien, deserves a closer look. That is why the media diligently instilled version that UFOs - this extraterrestrial civilization, and they fly in spite of the laws of physics!
Why not shy notorious ruler to demonstrate its advanced equipment?
There are several reasons: First, this technique should still like to associate with them.
Secondly - themselves still need to try to find and identify.
third - say, found tied up and / complete fiction / and then what? - Take the banner and go to the nearest city hall to protest?
Fourth - the whole world under their control, and they wanted to spit on all of humanity, taken together!
/ Not politically correct, I admit it! / But in fact, what they are afraid of? Aliens will not come, claims for abuse of humanity do not give notice, all other - ugh!
What's the purpose of the rulers of the world? - The nearest version looks like this: - When they have to leave the crap and killed the planet, they will choose for yourself disciplined lackeys who would provide them comfortably, luxurious existence, and tell the world the last 'I'm sorry', and is very important that at this exciting moment nobody grabbed his legs, begging to take with you / and it will be billions of /. Especially, it is easy to guess that abandoned humanity will miss not only the feet, but also by the throat!
Remain comforted only the slogan "Everything happens by the will of the Creator!".Incidentally, this is why these peace-loving religion receive full support from them, and ever-increasing announcement.
Ps can understand why UFOs fly / and will fly / defiance of the laws of physics!
Copyright material, Andrew / A.A.M. / * Material published with permission of the autho